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Should the U.S. grant entry to more #SyrianRefugees?

The United States has been a long offered safe haven to the people fleeing tyranny, violence, and persecution. Because of Syria's civil war and overall political climate, the approach for asylum requests needs to be addressed. 

The former administration under Trump set the maximum number of global refugees allowed into the country in 2020 to just 18,000. It was the lowest number since the creation of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program in 1980. Under Trump, the Department of Homeland Security hand selected every refugee for resettlement. It is the hardest way to come to the U.S. as a refugee, but was also the only legal way. 

President Biden has raised the annual ceiling for global refugees (not just Syria) to enter the U.S. to 125,000, and maintain a minimum 95,000 refugees admitted per year. This ceiling is the highest since the early 1990s.

Many argue that America should use its privilege and power to help those in need in Syria, as they end up contributing to our society and economy. Yet, when considering Syrian's history, people are scared for the safety of the U.S. by allowing so many refugees into the country, and also they take jobs from people born in the U.S. 

The question for debate, should the U.S. grant entry to more Syrian refugees?

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