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Should the U.S. grant entry to more #SyrianRefugees?

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"#Syrian refugees are not a #terrorism threat" Jul 22, 2024

Syrians have been fleeing their countries' civil wars for years now. The #Syrian conflicts have created one of the worst humanitarian crises of today. It is one of most of the fragile regions of the world. Syrians need the help of the world. According to the U.N., $3.29 billion was needed to meet the essential needs of the most vulnerable Syrians in 2019. But unfortunately, they have received only half of it, which has made the situation worse.

Thousands of Syrians get relocated within their homeland every single day, sometimes after seeing their neighborhood attacked and family members killed. They make the brave decision to escape their country and seek refuge elsewhere. 

Many Americans say that Syrian refugees are a threat to national security. Yet, there is no evidence linking Syrian refugees to terrorism. We have to have faith that our immigration policies include a screening process that would weed out any potential threat. Even then, we are to let thousands of people suffer and die just on the possibility that we could let a criminal into the country?

The fear of American nationals has slammed the door on Syrian migrants when they need the world's help the most. 

Syrians who leave their country search for safer and more stable places to live. As families, while leaving the country, leave most of their belongings behind, they come empty-handed and need our full support. They might have to walk for miles, unsure of their destination or where they might find their next meal.  

America, being a world leader, should accept the refugees without persecution and help them as much as they can. How are these people a threat to our security when they have left everything and don't know where their next meal is coming from? We should accept them and help them. And the U.S. government should grant asylum to more Syrian refugees escaping persecution. The Syrian refugees do not pose additional security risks and are in need of our help and acceptance.

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