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Should the U.S. provide fighter jets to #Ukraine in support of pushing back against Russia? #UkraineJets

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.83

"U.S. jets bolster Ukraine's military against evil" Jul 28, 2024

As tensions continue to rise between #Ukraine and #Russia, Poland and Slovakia have taken a bold step in announcing their decision to send fighter jets to Ukraine, becoming the first NATO countries to do so. The U.S. should join these courageous countries in providing fighter jets to stop Putin's evil war machine.

It is clear that Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and ongoing military presence in Crimea have violated Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This aggression poses a direct threat not only to Ukraine but also to #NATO member states in the region, including Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. As such, it is essential that U.S. provides Ukraine with the necessary support and resources to defend itself against Russian aggression. This includes the provision of fighter jets, which would help to strengthen Ukraine's air defenses and provide a significant deterrent against further Russian aggression. 

The benefits of providing fighter jets to Ukraine go beyond just deterrence. It would also help to stabilize the region and promote peace and security in Europe. Providing Ukraine with the necessary resources to defend itself would reduce the risk of further conflict and instability in the region, which would have far-reaching implications for the international community. 

Opponents of providing fighter jets to Ukraine argue that it would escalate tensions with Russia and provoke a military response. However, this argument fails to take into account Russia's ongoing aggression and disregard for international law. Russia has already shown its willingness to use military force to annex Crimea and destabilize the region. It is unlikely that providing fighter jets to Ukraine would provoke a drastic increased military response from Russia, as it would only further isolate Russia in the international community and damage relations with China and other non-NATO countries. 

As a global superpower, the U.S. has a responsibility to promote peace and security in the world. Providing fighter jets to Ukraine would help to strengthen the U.S. relationship with NATO and promote stability in Europe, which would have significant benefits for the U.S.' own national security. In addition to the political and strategic benefits of providing fighter jets to Ukraine, there are also economic benefits to consider. The U.S. and other NATO member states stand to benefit from the sale of fighter jets to Ukraine, which would provide a significant boost to their respective economies. This would benefit the defense industry, and also other industries that support defense spending such as technology, engineering, and manufacturing.

Providing fighter jets is a necessary measure to deter #RussianAggression against Ukraine as well as other European countries. It is an investment in long term world peace and security that the U.S. can't afford to pass-by.

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