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National & World Issue

Should the US declare an official #national #language?

Score for this "No" opinion : 8.71

"A national language violates the American spirit" May 15, 2024

America has always been a diverse land, with many who speak different languages. The 13 colonies spoke Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and more. Around 350 different languages are spoken in America today. Before making such a big decision to choose a single language as the national language, it’s imperative to ask ourselves why we are taking a path that can further alienate minorities.

English is the language of government documents, and understandably, there should be a single language for this purpose. However, other than that, there is absolutely no need to declare a single national language.

English is spoken and understood by the majority of the population, with immigrants quickly adapting. It has been widely observed that second and third-generation migrants take up the English language as their primary language. The English language is not threatened, if anything, it is flourishing.

However, language is also a symbol of identity and distinction. Unfortunately, we have a history of forced suppression of languages. The present-day enforcement of a single national language is no different from the punishing of Native Americans for speaking their language, or forbidding African slaves from using their native languages. There is no doubt that this step is discriminatory, and it will further marginalize the diverse communities that are important to our rich culture. America must be inclusive of its minorities, not exclusive. 

There is increasing awareness about racism and other discriminatory practices, and language has been a part of that. American nationalism can not and should not be a measure of proficiency in the English language.

Language has always been a means of communication among people, and it should remain so. Choosing a single national language in a diverse country like America would be a disaster. Hence, the United States should not declare English, or any other language, as its official language. Instead, the variety and diversity of languages should be accepted and celebrated.

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