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Should the US expand the Supreme #Court?

Score for this "No" opinion : 7.83

"Court expansion brings politics where it shouldn’t" Aug 10, 2024

Having an independent judiciary is the backbone of the United States, without which the future of the republic would be in jeopardy. Judges should operate impartially and  in a non-partisan way, with no fear of political repercussions. They must act with dignity in favor of the national interest, and uphold justice no matter what the subject.

The Constitution does not define the number of judges for the Supreme Court, which has had minor fluctuations over the years. Vice President Kamala Harris stated that there is "a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court," but it's unclear if this reflects the public sentiment. Polls have consistently shown confidence in the Supreme Court, with recent polls showing the public having more faith in the Supreme Court than in Congress or the President. 

Diversity is essential, but the number of judges in the court must be limited. The rise in representation of the diverse population should be in reflected in elected representatives. The Court must present itself as a single unit, and a rise in the number of judges without any limits can lead to a state of chaos.

The emphasis, by Democrats, on increasing the total number of judges is not driven by public interests. Instead, it is merely an act of political retaliation after Republicans refused to vote on Merrick Garland in 2016. The Supreme Court should not be a political battleground, and such manipulative attempts to undermine judicial independence must be discouraged.

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