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Should there be a ban on semiautomatic weapons such as the AR-15? #GunControl

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 6.8

"Why a #Ban on Guns Like the #AR15 Makes Sense" Aug 13, 2024

The issue of gun bans has been around for so long that the newer generation is very unlikely to remember that the use of guns used to be completely normal at one time in the country’s history. And, maybe it’s true that going on so heavily and intensely on gun control can somehow infringe on the #SecondAmendment rights of the everyday American.

However, deciding on whether or not to allow such weaponry to stay legal on the street is a tough question that has to be addressed with all seriousness.

So, looking at the situation critically and without bias, should there be a ban on semi-automatic weapons such as the AR-15?

Yes, there should be!

What’s more, this measure is long overdue in my opinion!

There are several reasons why I feel so strongly about this affair and I’ll be sharing some of those subsequently.

Let’s start with the superficial aspect of things.

Anyone who abhors violence and has seen a loaded AR-15 before will undoubtedly admit a feeling of fear at the mere sight of the weapon. For those wondering why, it’s because the weapon is exactly what it looks like – a cold, killing machine.

Every inch of these semi-automatic guns looks highly deadly. One might even go as far as saying that this is a weapon that would look more at home in the hands of a soldier, and they would be right! This is because this weapon was originally designed for military use.

However, over time, gun manufacturers looking for interesting and captivating models to design their weapons went ahead to copy this military-grade device. Copying the build is one thing but they went ahead to replicate the mechanical efficiency of the device as well.

If you’re not one to judge a book by its cover, you might want to make a strong exception in this case. One reason for this is that the deadliness of these semi-automatic weapons isn’t just something based off of their appearance alone. Time and time again, it’s been shown that they have enough deadly force to be considered highly lethal to humans.

Gun enthusiasts who want to oversimplify things will have you believe that an AR-15 isn’t that much different from a handgun. They are right to say that only because the two items in question fundamentally shoot projectiles.

The similarities end beyond that point.

Only a person who hasn’t seen the bullet holes left by an AR-15 would liken it to a handgun. The stopping power of the former is so great that it’s capable of tearing through human flesh like paper. This also means that it inflicts far greater damage as well. For those interested in doing some light reading on just what this gun is capable of when turned on another human being, here’s what #Joseph Sakran, a lucky survivor of AR-15 shootings, has to share.

Again, if you’re still thinking that the threat that such guns pose to civil society is negligible, you’re more than entitled to your opinion.

But ask yourself these questions;

Is it a mere coincidence that the 12 deadliest mass shootings that the country has seen since 2006 featured an AR-15?

Is there any possibility, however remote, that the ready availability of such powerful weapons has made them the tool of choice for those willing to perpetuate evil?

Can you unequivocally say that, if things are left as they are, the situation with such semi-automatic weapons will get better instead of worse?

Answer all these questions keeping in mind that, just on the 8th of May, 2023, 8 people who were just going about their business at a shopping mall lost their lives to this deadly weapon in Allen, Texas.

The frequency of mass shootings is increasing, and anyone with eyes can fully register this statistic. More lives can be lost before the fact that these semi-automatic weapons are a threat to life fully sinks in. However, the hundreds that have died needlessly before should serve as all the lessons we need to do things right.

For clarity, all of this isn’t to say that taking AR-15s and other guns of such ilk off the market will effectively put an end to mass shootings. However, we can all at least agree that there’s a more than decent chance that doing so would reduce the number of incidents we hear about on the news.

This issue is, in its own way, quite polarizing, no doubt about that.

But recent events have made it abundantly clear what must be done.

Regions like Illinois and Washington state have effectively banned these guns from circulation. It’s high time the rest of the nation followed suit.

Bitter as it might be for some to hear, there are tons of other firearms that can do the job just right for you. That is, provided the “job” isn’t hunting a fellow human being.

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