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Tennessee State Issue

Should there be exceptions for people under 21 to buy vaping products if they are combating #nicotine addiction?

Tennessee is known for having the highest rates of smoking in the U.S., mainly due to the state's long history of tobacco farming. Tennessee also has very lenient laws regulating smoking, making it easier for youths to get access to tobacco products. 

Taxation for tobacco products is also very low in Tennessee, reducing prices. Studies now show that most of the state's youth are involved in smoking activities. As a result, many Tennesseans' supported raising the legal age for tobacco and cigarette smoking from 18 to 21.

A study funded by Cancer Research U.K. shows that vaping helps smokers quit cigarette smoking in the long run. The study further established that vaping is 95% less harmful than tobacco smoking. According to the researchers, vaping helps substitute the psychological, social, and cultural negatives of tobacco smoking. More so, vaping is pleasurable and cheaper for vapers than traditional smoking.

Tennessee state now has regulations that prohibit selling, distributing, purchasing, and possessing vapor products to people under 21 years of age. Since the raising of the legal age, many 18-20 year old's have been left to quit cold turkey, causing stress that has affected their day-to-day lives. 

It has been argued that young adults in this age group should be able to gradually decline their usage of tobacco by buying vaping products that contain a small amount of nicotine. This could help them stop smoking tobacco products. However, complications have the potential to arise, such as stores needing to be able to regulate sales to these specific individuals or the distribution of medical prescriptions.

The question for debate is, should exceptions be made for people under 21 to buy vaping products if they are combating nicotine addiction?

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