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Should there be #TermLimits for members of #Congress?

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 7.0

"Fresh ideas are needed on a continuous basis" Aug 10, 2024

Yes, we need it for the good of the country! Term limits will restrict Congress members from becoming too powerful, opening doors for more development.

Many “lawmakers” take their position as a career and forget that they are temporary. Of course, why wouldn’t they forget – nobody is asking them to leave. These Congress members spend much of their time, raising money for re-election campaigns and focusing on cleaning their image. This is time that should be spent focusing on their work, for which they were elected to do.

A disagreeing Congressperson might react – “We do have elections." We do, and we shouldn't forget the importance of those elections. In the U.S., “president for life” is a stigma, why should we allow Congressperson for life? Let politics be a fair play. Ending this legacy of old Congressperson in power would pave way for fresh new ideas. Who knows what a new Congressperson can do to bring about change and positive development for the nation. 

Moreover, the term limit would restrict politicians from alienating their voter base. With a term limit in place, the Congressperson would be accountable to their constituents and will stay focused on “getting the job done.” Provided by stirring offices and supporting electoral competition, term limits will hinder the creation of a permanent political class. 

Even public-choice economics fear that long-serving legislators are more likely and interested to serve the institutions to which they belong. And you can’t expect overall development like that. It just doesn’t happen.

It’s high time that we see this eagerly awaited constitutional change take place and take place soon. Because, let’s be honest, if we want the laws to be changed, the lawmakers need to be changed too. Politicians serve the people of the U.S., let's not make their position a lifelong career where they just their serve own self-interests.

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