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Texas State Issue

Should TX have raise salaries for all #school employees including bus drivers, janitorial staff, ect by raising taxes?

Several school districts have raised teacher and support staff pay by 4% after raising taxes. Undoubtedly, teachers play a crucial role in the school as they directly facilitate delivery of knowledge to the students. Most teachers praised the increase, as they would benefit more financially. Many argue that all roles, including that of non-teaching staff, are important to the success of students and schools.

For example, the Hays school district recognizes the critical role of school bus drivers. Drivers' jobs are challenging, dealing with stringent safety measures and directly with school children. In public schools the wage rate is less than that of their peers who work with private schools.

School custodians will get a share too. “Custodians are on the front line of defense at school,” says one of them, quoted during the COVID-19 pandemic when their role was even more pronounced. Schools need to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to guarantee the safety of children as they learn, even now after the pandemic. Some believe that schools should fire janitors, and let students do the cleaning themselves, asserting that it will save schools money and create a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness in students. 

The question for debate is: should TX have raise salaries for all school employees including bus drivers, janitorial staff, and nurses by raising taxes?

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