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Should U.S. presidential election rules change so it is based on the #PopularVote, or keep using an #ElectoralCollege?

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"#ElectoralCollege preserves the checks & balances" Jul 10, 2024

The simple argument for keeping the #electoralcollege is the fact that it works and was created as one of the most important checks and balances to make sure that the states pick the president. 

The electoral college supports the votes of farmers and factory workers, which would be ignored in favor of major cities with large populations, thus ignoring rural areas completely. But this isn't the same with the popular vote because you just go to the larger states for votes, and smaller states would end up losing. And the issue of flyover states would no longer matter to the president as the rural areas would not be visited any longer.

Another problem is that Americans active in #partisan politics see it as a means to an end rather than seeing it as an activity to participate. This thinking of politics caused them to rationalize their view of the basis of the Electoral college because they think the Electoral college makes it harder for them, or for any other Democrat, to win presidential elections; thus, they do not achieve their end precisely.

Abolishing the electoral college now might satisfy the urge for direct democracy, but it would dismantle federalism, which is in the bones of our nation. So yeah, this pretty much sums up the need to NOT abolish the electoral college because every state should have a say. The electoral collage protects the representation of all states by confining vote-counting disputes to just one, or a few states, thus maintaining the check and balances of the country.

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