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Should #Ukraine settle by giving away eastern territories in order to end war with #Russia?

Patty Barr
San Francisco,CA

Score for this "No" opinion : 8.0

"Ukraine Should Not Give Away Eastern Territories" Jul 14, 2024

Ukraine should not give up its eastern territories for peace. The eastern territories of Ukraine have been a point of contention since the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. Since then, the conflict has escalated, with pro-Russian separatists seizing control of parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine. The situation has been further complicated by the fact that the Russian military has been accused of providing support to the separatists. Pundits and politicians around the world have been urging Ukraine to give up territory in the east as a means to secure peace.

Ukraine giving away its eastern territories to Russia has a potential impact on the international community. The annexation of territory by force is a violation of international law and goes against the principles of the United Nations Charter. If Ukraine were to give away its eastern territories to Russia, it would send a message to other nations that such actions are acceptable. This could lead to further conflicts and instability in other parts of the world, as nations may feel emboldened to use force to annex territory from their neighbors.

Furthermore, the international community has a vested interest in maintaining peace and stability in the region. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has already had significant consequences for the global economy and security. If Ukraine were to give away its eastern territories, it could escalate the conflict and lead to further instability in the region. This would have far-reaching consequences for the international community, potentially leading to economic disruption and increased security threats.

Another reason why Ukraine should not give up its eastern territories is that it would be a betrayal of the Ukrainian people. According to a poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 82% of Ukrainians are against the idea of giving up land in exchange for peace. In another survey that was conducted by The Conversation in all territories that are not contested, 79% of the respondents opposed any action that would lead the Russian government to control Kyiv. Russian control of the eastern territories would put Ukrainians' lives at risk since the documentation available shows that Russia has executed human rights violations in territories that they are occupying temporarily.

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has also stated that Ukraine is not ready to give away territory in the eastern region of the country to put an end to the war with Russia. Giving up territory would undermine the will of the Ukrainian people and their right to self-determination. There is also a high possibility that once Ukraine surrenders the eastern territories, Russia might try to capture Kyiv. "The fact that we fought them off and they left, and they were running away from Kyiv—from the north, from Chernihiv, and from that direction—it doesn't mean if they can capture Donbas, they won't come further towards Kyiv," Zelensky said. While speaking to CNN, Zelensky also stated that a concession of Ukrainian territory won’t form part of any diplomatic negotiations to end the war. “Ukrainians are not ready to give away their land or accept that these territories belong to Russia. This is our land," Zelensky said.

If Ukraine were to give up its eastern territories, it would be a major blow to its economy. The Donbas region in eastern Ukraine is home to many of the country’s heavy industries, among them steel production and coal mining. If these territories are given up, it would imply losing access to these industries and resources, which would significantly affect Ukraine's economy as well as its ability to rebuild post-conflict.

Keeping the eastern territories of Ukraine would help maintain the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ukraine has already lost Crimea to Russia, and giving up more territory would only embolden Russia and encourage further aggression. It would also set a dangerous precedent for other countries that are facing territorial disputes with Russia.

According to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Ukraine cannot give up territory to Russia as part of a peace deal. Blinken said that a lasting peace deal in Ukraine can't occur if its territorial integrity is not respected. Giving up territory to Russia would "open Pandora's box," and it has to give up on the notion that Ukraine is not its own country.

Ukraine’s military is prepared to face off Moscow’s military in the Donbas territory in a battle that could determine the direction the war will take. Surrendering the territory would not only undermine Ukraine’s military position but also send a message of weakness to Russia, potentially emboldening them to further aggression.

Ukraine should not give away its eastern territories to Russia. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation are fundamental principles that must be respected. Ukraine has the right to determine its own future and to protect its citizens and their interests. Giving away its eastern territories would undermine these principles and could have far-reaching consequences for the stability of the region and the world at large.

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