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Should US government break up #BigTechCompanies including Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google into smaller corporations?

The emergence of the 21st century has revolutionized the world of Information Technology completely. Today four big tech companies, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, play a crucial role in deciding the way we spend our lives.

Many circles in the political arena believe that the size and market power of these companies hurt consumers, stifle innovation, and might pose a direct threat to democracy in their ability to control what information people see. The cure proposed are antitrust lawsuits that would breakup these companies, which, in return, would create space in the marketplace where small firms can begin to grow. Proponents of this strategy cite various examples, like the AT&T breakup in 1982.

On the other hand, some people believe that breaking up these big tech giants will push the global economy into disaster. They further believe that breaking up these companies will ultimately make millions of people unemployed across the world and will disrupt the global supply chain. 

The question for debate, should the U.S. government breakup Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google into smaller corporations?

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