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Utah State Issue

Should Utah be giving more funding to #environmental regulatory agencies to help enforce consequences for violators?

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"The #environment deserves protection" Jul 06, 2024

Protecting the environment is not just a project for private non-profit environmentalist organizations. The burden of safeguarding nature falls primarily on the government. For this reason, funding for environmental protection must be increased.

Rehabilitating the environment with climate change in mind should be the top priority for the government. The rise of environmental problems will affect not only those in Utah but the nation and the world. Climate change due to environmental abuse has been proven time and again by science, and the government should prioritize working to halt and prevent further damage. 

In Utah, oil and natural gases are significant resources, which are exponentially improved by fracking techniques. However, the issue remains that fracking consumes a lot of water and destabilizes bedrock, which may cause tremors and land instability. Aside from this, fracking can potentially release carcinogenic chemicals into the freshwater and surface. 

Utah has recently cut back on environmental agency spending. This is a big concern, as a lax implementation of regulatory procedures on fracking will result in potential damage and a public danger. The former Trump administration approved revisions to environmental reviews on projects concerning infrastructure projects that can destroy landscapes, natural habitats, and ecosystems. Though it may improve the economy by speeding up the review process for big projects that, in turn, will create more jobs, the environment will suffer in the end. 

The government should prioritize environmental concerns, as they are significant factors for continued economic growth. Climate change and fracking-related problems can quickly devastate the rise of the economy. To ensure progress for our great state, we must take care of the land we use. We can ensure our continued use of its resources through proper environmental protection.

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