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Virginia State Issue

Should Virginia Bring Back Restrictive #Abortion Laws?

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"The state of Virginia is no more pro-life" Jul 18, 2024

Virginia's legislation in July 2020 reducing abortion restrictions was a severe blow to pro-life advocates and their efforts. Virginia is taking a progressive turn with this pro-choice-focused legislature. Conservatives believe that women who need guidance and counseling before taking a drastic step will be negatively affected. 

Former Governor Ralph Northam's decision to overturn abortion restrictions has endangered the lives of many unborn children and poses a risk to women's health. Abortion restrictions such as state-mandated counseling, waiting periods, and ultrasounds act as protective and preventive measures. Killing a living fetus is inhumane and negates all the efforts of pro-life organizations.

Many right-wing advocates believe that the Reproductive Health Protection Act is nothing but a political move by Democrats, and the Republicans have voiced their objections. Allowing nurse practitioners, certified nursing midwives, and medical practitioners to provide the abortion procedure in the first trimester of pregnancy is a significant setback that can have health and safety implications. All this legislation does is promote and expand access to abortion services. 

The removal of mandated pre-abortion counseling is terrible. This counseling aimed to ensure that the women undergoing the procedure knew their rights, risks, and alternatives. For many women, an unplanned pregnancy seems like a burden. Preventive measures, such as pre-abortion counseling, has proven to be helpful for women to come to terms with unexpected news and provide them with information to make a truly informed decision.

The waiting period between the counseling and abortion procedure is essential. They allow women think about their decision. A 2019 ruling also found that the waiting period between the mandated ultrasound and counseling is not an obstacle. 

The right to life is a belief that applies to unborn fetuses from inception. Pro-life advocates support adoption for those who cannot or are not ready to raise a child as an alternative to termination. 

Some women experience post-abortion syndrome (PAS), something pro-choice advocates continue to deny. Like PTSD, women experience overwhelming grief over fetal death coupled with guilt, sadness, crying spells, negative thoughts, and self-directed blame. This is another reason pre-abortion counseling is crucial.

Virginia must rethink abortion legislation and restrict the procedure to designated medical professionals. The abortion rate is declining, and that is attributed to more restrictive abortion laws. The current legislation leaves women uninformed, not allowing them to effectively understand the consequences and possible alternatives, along with the implications of such a gravely inhumane procedure.

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