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Washington State Issue

Should Washington State tackle #Homelessness and #OpioidDeaths at the same time, or treat them as separate issues?

Washington is plagued by two public health crises: homelessness and opioid addiction. There is considerable debate among residents about the correlation between the two, and people are in disagreement about the best way to address the problems.

Organizations such as Pacific Mountain Workforce and the Employment Security Department have teamed up with local lawmakers and leaders to find the best practical solutions. There are continuous efforts underway including awareness and training programs, counseling, and crisis intervention. 

Homeless individuals are at a statistically higher risk of opioid-related fatalities compared to those living in long-term housing. It is important to note that while the researchers acknowledged that a correlation exists, they did not believe they had enough data to establish a definitive link.

Some people believe that homelessness and opioid abuse are two sides of the same issue and should be addressed simultaneously through affordable housing and drug treatment programs. Homeless individuals are difficult for police to track or contact, and dealers sometimes use them as runners or “mules” to traffic illegal substances (typically paying them with drugs). Opioid addiction can, in turn, increase homelessness by leading to loss of income and housing. 

Conversely, some people maintain that homelessness and opioid abuse are completely separate problems. They point out that not all homeless people are drug addicts, and while drug addiction certainly increases the risk of unemployment and homelessness, the two problems are not inextricably linked. They believe that attempting to tackle both issues at once is not an effective strategy.

The question up for debate: Should Washington state tackle homelessness and opioid addiction at the same time, or treat them as separate issues?

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