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Should we stop using the word "female" as a synonym for woman? #GenderIdentity

Societal feelings on the language we use for biological sex and gender have become more complex. There has been an introduction of new words in recent years, and for some people the meanings of numerous words have been revised for the modern lexicon

Historically, the terms “woman” and “female” were applied interchangeably with minimal controversy. However, with public opinion shifting, some are now unsure of the cultural  acceptance of referring to a woman as "female." These terms are similar, but they are evolving to have different meanings which is now a source of confusion and controversy. 

According to an article on Medium, referring to someone as a "female" reduces one's gender identity down to genitals. Some would contend that not all women are born biologically female, such as members of the #transgender population that identify as women. Some see the word "female" being misused to disparage and insult women, and can represent the concept that a woman's sole role is reproduction as stated in this article. 

On the other hand, some argue that the term “female” can be used as a synonym for woman, as it means the same thing. Biologically, the term "female" is used to describe the sex of an organism. Female is a widely recognized and understood term and it is applied in various contexts, such as discussions about sexuality, gender, and it is widely used in medical settings. Some believe that this is a term that has been around for centuries to describe one’s gender, and there is no need to make a change now.

With this issue seemingly continuing to spark more arguments, the question for debate is, should we stop using the word #female as a synonym for woman?

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