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Should we stop using the word "female" as a synonym for woman? #GenderIdentity

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.0

"Why an End Must Come to the #Female Era" Jul 13, 2024

Man. Woman. Male. Female.

Most people use these words innocuously and frequently enough. The popularity of these terms has become so established over the years that even the average Gen Z might’ve heard and, on occasion, even adopted them.

However, it’s at points like this that it’s crucial to stress that the fact that an opinion is both popular and generally accepted doesn’t make it right or true.

#Woman equals female.

The above statement has never really been true and we’re only just coming to realize this immutable fact now. What’s more, a woman shouldn’t ever be casually referred to as “female” anymore.

Is this a controversial stance?


Are there valid reasons for such an unconventional statement?


Let’s dive in.

Before going into the more complex and analytical aspect of things, let’s even consider the term “female” in a superficial light. Even in this regard, assuming that “woman” and “female” are one and the same is still incorrect. Here’s why that might be.

Every word in the English language has a unique and distinct definition and the definitions of “woman” and “female” are certainly not the same. Here, some people might argue that this is why synonyms exist.

This is true.

However, anyone who truly understands the English language will tell you emphatically that true synonyms don’t exist; what you get is something closest (but not quite the real thing) in meaning.

Again, the argument can be made that everything that has been said so far is merely splitting hairs. So, let’s get into more concrete reasons why you’d be doing any woman in your life a disservice by calling the person a female.

At the top of this list for me is the fact that the word “female” is a scientific term that strips a woman of their identity as a human being. Consider this; when you say the word “woman”, you’re clear and intent on who and what you’re referring to. When you use the word “female,” however, all of that clarity is lost.

Are you referring to a female gorilla or a female dog? While you might expect your point to be passed across automatically, the truth is that it isn’t.

Furthermore, calling a woman female brings that person to the level of a lower mammalian whose key reason for existence is reproduction and nothing more. This is insulting and derogatory on unfathomable levels.

But it doesn’t end there. On the contrary, there’s plenty more to come!

Again, remember that the word “female” is essentially a reference to gender. By calling a woman that term, you’re automatically assuming and assigning gender to that individual based on misguided notions and assumptions.

In the 1800s, this would be understandable and maybe even acceptable. After all, back then, we didn’t know that #sex and #gender were two completely different things. However, we’re supposed to be wiser and much more informed on such matters in this day and age.

All women aren’t by extension female. A woman is legally and rightfully allowed to identify as any gender that they so choose.

So, it stands to reason that only those who want to be deliberately rude (and risk a potential lawsuit while they’re at it) would attack a woman this way.

Beyond this, there is also the matter of context.

In the world of today, the word “female” is almost always only exclusively used when a person is trying to express superiority over and contempt for women. More often than not, you’ll hear terms like, “Females are just the worst” and “She’s a female, isn’t she? What more did you expect?”

If you’re looking for far more colorful sentences, just take a moment to input the word “female” into the search bar on #Twitter. The things you’ll see will reshape your opinion of the human species, and not for the better, too.

And, for those who claim that they use the “female” word innocently, there’s this; while you might honestly use the “F” word without any ill intent, there are two things you should keep in mind. The first is that this word doesn’t do anybody you’re trying to refer to justice. It only demeans them and makes them appear less than they actually are. The perfect word already exists for referring to these individuals, and that’s “woman.” It’s as simple as that.

The second point of note worth mentioning here is that this word can be quite damaging to those who have to hear it. Sure, “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is still supposed to be a thing. But the rising number of people who have to seek professional assistance just to cope with verbal abuse begs to differ.

Calling these individuals women goes deeper than being just politically correct. It’s about acknowledging their relevance and worth as fellow, equal human beings. It’s about letting the impact and influence of evolution and knowledge show in how we treat and interact with each other.

So, yes, it’s high time we stopped using the word “female” as a synonym for women. In fact, that development is long past due.

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