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Should #welfare recipients be tested for illegal #drugs

Drug testing programs for welfare recipients are common in the United States. Since the 1996 federal welfare reform laws were enacted, states have been permitted to institute some sort of drug screening when qualifying welfare assistance participants. Due to their ambiguous nature, drug testing programs are intensely debated. 15 states have adopted legislation requiring some form of testing/screening for illegal drugs. 

The proponents for drug testing welfare recipients believe that welfare funds are not utilized properly if recipients are using it to buy illegal drugs. Also, American taxpayers do not want to pay taxes to support drug addiction. Additionally, they believe that drug testing will encourage impoverished non-workers to join the workforce.

Opponents to the initiative believe that welfare money saved will instead just be spent on the testing infrastructure, so it doesn't benefit taxpayers. In fact, they believe it will be more expensive to test everyone and manage those who fail their drug tests than it would be to forego testing all together. They also believe mandatory drug testing for welfare assistance is #unconstitutional, as it violates the constitutional ban against unreasonable search and seizure.

The question for debate, should #welfare recipients be tested for illegal #drugs

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