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Minnesota State Issue

#Sports and #politics: have sports in MN become too political?

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"Sports are sports, #politics - stay of the court" Jul 17, 2024

There is a time and a place to call out the flaws in the US. Medical issues are dealt with in medical facilities, legal cases are tackled not in the public market but in the enclosed, solemn halls of our courtrooms. Financial problems are solved by economists and financial experts and not decided over a poker table. Likewise, political issues are not resolved in an arena of cheering sports fans, but in Congress by politicians and senators. Problems in America are not going to be solved by a weepy halftime commercial. 

#Politics has become a source of #partisanship and division in this country, much like how religion tore up European nations like the Spanish Inquisition. Politics has become so contentious in America that it can cause irreparable damage to even family relationships. Lately, politics have crept into the sports sector of society and many now use the arena as a podium to voice out social dissent. 

The freedom of speech for every individual is undeniable. However, it is important to recognize that there are consequences that result from the words that are said. Everyone is so on edge about politics lately that the tension can be exhausting. When the politicians get home from work, they want to wind down, put on their sweatpants, crack open a cold one, and not think about anything political for the rest of the night. Much like how politicians don’t want to bring the worries or cares from home, the average American needs recreation to relax from the tension of the day.

Many watch sports to escape and disconnect from the world so it should be a place separated from political division. Whether they be teachers, construction workers, accountants, retail workers, or CEO’s, no one wants to think about the problems of the world all day. Movies, music, TV, and sports all offer a respite from human responsibility.

Everything it it’s proper place. People watching human titans crash against each other, fighting over a piece of pigskin on a magical  If anyone can talk about anything anywhere, our political system will not be based on careful analysis, but by the loudness of one’s cheer in a basketball court filled with tired people just trying to have fun.

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