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California State Issue

To better handle immigration, should California close down its #ICE camps?

Reaching a consensus that everyone would completely satisfy everyone can be difficult, especially regarding a national issue. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), created in 2003 during the former United States President Bush Administration as a response to the terrorist attack in September 2001, has become a controversial matter.    

Given the magnitude at which the Former Trump Administration emphasized and tightened the enforcement of removal operations carried out by ICE, many camps became crowded with undocumented immigrants. One of the reasons offered by the administration for this was to eliminate the facilitators of illegal immigration for self-enrichment. 

Civil rights lawyers argue that there are reported activities, such as the initiation of sterilization processes for women in these camps. Several organizations for human rights, in synergy with media organizations, have also raised concerns regarding poor medical care given to detained immigrants.

The question for debate is, should California close down its ICE camps?

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