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California State Issue

To better handle immigration, should California close down its #ICE camps?

Danny Brown
Hungtington Beach,CA

Score for this "YES" opinion :
Score is TBD

"#AbolishICE camps" Jul 24, 2024

Yes, California should #abolishICE camps and enhance support for undocumented immigrants.

According to multiple investigative reports, California has a high number of immigrants, and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) centers have failed to treat detainees like humans.

These detention centers have been reported to be mostly overcrowded, and the occupants have not been appropriately treated. What's troubling about this situation is that the people with the power to enact change already know about this. Still, despite its suggestion, little is being done to close down these inhumane facilities.

A good example can be seen in the comment of Silky Shah to Teen Vogue on this issue, in which she implies that complaints received have already been known about the operation of ICE centers. Silky Shah is the executive director of the Detention Watch Network.

What's more terrifying is that these complaints state that ICDC isn't adhering to the ICE facility guidelines and ignores the CDC practicing standards to ensure the spread of the Coronavirus is mitigated.

Many sad testimonies have been heard about the California ICE centers, but it's even more tragic that undocumented immigrants face another challenge: exploitation by their employers outside of the detention centers.

California undocumented immigrants have directly and indirectly contributed to California State's economy via payment of taxes and other purchases and investments. As mentioned, these immigrants are subject to exploitation in which they're paid wages below their work. Because they are not able to work in the U.S legally, their employers threaten to report them to the Immigration office if they refuse to do their bidding.

This, in turn, affects legal workers as there are fewer available jobs, which has an impact on the economy, another reason why more Californians need to enhance their support for undocumented immigrants.

Closing down the ICE centers is the right thing to do. Improving support for undocumented immigrants can help the economy as well.

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