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New York State Issue

Was implementing legislation to fight food waste the right call for New York?

Food waste is a huge problem the industrialized world is facing. It is estimated that Americans waste $218 billion of food every year. In New York, food waste is a growing crisis, with nearly 20% of food being wasted and the public debating solutions.

New York State has passed legislation to fight food waste. Businesses that create an annual average of two tonnes of waste per year must donate excess edible food and recycle all remaining food scraps if they are within 25 miles of an organics recycler.

Many believe this legislation will have a meaningful impact. They stress that corporations must be regulated to minimize food waste and reduce its harmful effects on the food and environmental sectors. 

The opposition argues that government intervention brings mismanagement, creates bureaucratic hurdles, and spends taxpayers' money on unnecessary expenses. They also say that it squashes the entrepreneurial spirit of the individuals who can come up with better approaches than the one mandated by the state.

The big question up for debate is: should New York state combat food waste with legislation or private innovation?

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