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Vermont State Issue

Which is the better benefit for the state of Vermont when it comes to paid #leave; mandatory or voluntary?

The subject of paid leave for employees in Vermont has been contentious, with some lawmakers advocating for a mandatory leave program while others are pushing for a voluntary one.

In late 2019, the House and the Senate passed their versions of a paid mandatory leave bill. According to the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives, Vermonters would be entitled to three months after childbirth or a child's placement through adoption. Vermonters could also take family care leave to care for a seriously sick child, parent, grandparent, or grandchild. 

According to the House bill, all employees working in Vermont would be required to pay for the family leave program with a 0.2% payroll tax that would be deducted from their salaries by employers.

"I think a program that helps employees balance their work responsibilities and their family life is very important...We need a better system for how to take care of families. If we want Vermont to work for families, we need policies that support families." said House Speaker Mitzi Johnson

Democrats further insist that a voluntary family leave program could collapse because very few people are likely to subscribe. This would lead to high premiums that would not be economically viable and would ultimately make the program unsuccessful.

Governor Scott, a Republican, is of the contrary opinion. He believes that introducing a 0.2% payroll tax for family leave would cost the state between $25 million and $80 million a year. He argued that paid leave is needed, but it doesn't have to increase the financial burden for everyone. According to him, Vermont can start with a voluntary paid leave program, and if it fails, then the mandatory plan can be tried.

Governor Scott vetoed the House bill, and the House failed by a single vote to override it; the Governor and the legislature continued to debate the topic. 

So then, which is the better benefit for Vermont regarding paid leave, mandatory or voluntary?

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