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Vermont State Issue

Which is the better benefit for the state of Vermont when it comes to paid #leave; mandatory or voluntary?

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"Voluntary provides flexibility and can work" Jul 11, 2024

Health, they say, is wealth.

No one can be expected to do a good job when they're feeling under the weather. In turn, you can't expect to get better quickly if you're ill and still to struggle to think of how to pay your medical bills. In the same vein, how can you properly care for an ill family member if you're also fretting over their medical bills? The simple truth is you just can't. For this reason, the paid leave package currently in the works in Vermont is vital.

In the words of House Speaker Mitzi Johnson, "I think a program that helps employees balance their work responsibilities and their family life is very important," and there is truly no argument here. The paid leave package will comprehensively protect not just the workers in the state but their families.

How the program is implemented ultimately decides whether it works to its fullest potential or does more harm than good. There are two different ideas on how exactly this program should be carried out, and both sides hold some merit.

House Speaker Mitzi Johnson strongly believes and actively works towards implementing this program as mandatory for all workers in the state. She argues that no one knows when they'll need this resource to care for themselves and/or their families properly. Having it available for all will eliminate the financial worry factor should the worst happen.

On the other hand, Governor Phil Scott firmly believes that while such a program is indispensable, it should be voluntary. He maintains that mandating such a policy will automatically lead to high expenses that the state and its citizens can not afford. When the House bill for a mandatory program arrived for him to sign in January 2021, he vetoed it. 

On the surface, this issue seems controversial and even morally ambiguous. But it really isn't. Nothing should interfere with the people's choice. The moment the government starts feeling like it knows what's best for people and starts mandating its opinions, it no longer serves the people. 

No matter how good the plan is, the people need to choose it for themselves, not have it thrust on them so vehemently and forcibly. 

Additionally, now isn't the right time to increase taxes. Many are lucky to have jobs right now, and every penny is crucial to day-to-day survival, now more than ever.

Ultimately, allowing Vermonters to choose whether or not to sign on to the program is the right choice. Each citizen can make the best decisions for their situation, and the policy can achieve its true purpose; making life easier and better for residents of the state.

Let those who are willing and can afford to pay opt for the program voluntarily. Mandating that everyone do so assumes that whatever sacrifices they have to make to do so are worth it, and this is very wrong. It's in the best interest of all citizens of Vermont that the paid leave program be voluntary and open to those willing and able to take it on.

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