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Who is the best candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, PA, Cherelle Parker or David Oh? #PhiladelphiaMayor

Philadelphia, a city steeped in history and diversity, stands at a pivotal juncture as it contemplates its next leader. The 2023 mayoral race features two formidable candidates, Cherelle Parker and David Oh, each with a unique vision for the city. In this election, Philadelphians must weigh their options carefully, as the outcome will significantly influence the city's trajectory.

Born into humble beginnings, Cherelle Parker's journey embodies the American dream. She is a product of Philadelphia's public school system and the first in her family to earn a college degree. Cherelle Parker stands behind a platform focused on public safety, education, and economic opportunity. Her plan for safety includes neighborhood officers, on foot and bike patrols in an effort to get to know the community better, and fixing issues such as clean streets and lighting. On education, she wants to increase funding for schools to increase hours of before and after-school enrichment opportunities and opportunities for year-round school. For economic opportunity, she looks to increase minimum wage and provide training for soft-skills for people entering the workforce.

David Oh, Philadelphia's first Asian American council member, brings a diverse range of experiences to the table. His background spans military service, a stint as an Assistant District Attorney, and a successful law practice. David is focused on public safety, education, and jobs. His plan to tackle public safety includes increasing the law enforcement presence throughout the city, as well as their equipment and training. For education, he wants to bridge the gap between schools and community, giving educators a bigger support network, while also allowing parents to have a bigger say in the education process. For jobs, he plans to spur infrastructure renovation, and measure the impact of all new regulations on small businesses.

The question for debate is, who is the best candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, PA, Cherelle Parker or David Oh?

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