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Who will be a better president for the U.S. in the next term, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?  #presidentialelection2024

As the United States gears up for another presidential election, the debate over who will be the better leader for the nation's next term has intensified. There are two primary candidates, on one side stands incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris, touting the Biden/Harris administration's achievements and vision for the future. On the other side is former President Donald Trump, promising a return to his policies and leadership style. Each candidate has their fervent supporters and vocal critics, making the decision a contentious one for many Americans.

Supporters of Kamala Harris argue that her experience as the Vice President, and her track record in the Biden/Harris administration makes her the best choice to lead the country forward. They point to their administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, citing the successful vaccine rollout and economic recovery efforts as evidence of her competence. Additionally, they highlight her commitment to issues such as climate change, racial justice, and healthcare, positioning her as a champion for progressive values and inclusive policies.

However, critics of Harris raise concerns about their handling of domestic issues such as inflation, crime, and border security, arguing that their policies have exacerbated these problems rather than solving them. There are also many critics of their administration’s foreign relations management, such as the pullout of Afghanistan and handling of the Israel/Hamas war.

On the opposing side, supporters of Donald Trump argue that his America-first agenda and tough stance on immigration and trade resonate with many Americans. They credit Trump with jumpstarting the economy and creating jobs through deregulation and tax cuts, and view his approach to foreign policy as assertive and effective. Moreover, they believe that Trump's outsider status and willingness to challenge the political establishment make him a refreshing alternative to Harris.

Critics of Trump point to his divisive rhetoric and controversial actions while in office, including his response to the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack and efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election, as reasons to doubt his suitability for the presidency.

The question for debate is, who will be a better president for the United States in the next term, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?

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