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Washington State Issue

Who would be a better representative to the #Senate from Washington, Democrat Patty Murray or Republican Tiffany Smiley?

On November 8, 2022, Washington will have to elect one member to the U.S. Senate. The two candidates up for the job are Incumbent Senator Patty Murray and Tiffany Smiley. As the next senator will be responsible for pushing legislation that influences the course that the state will follow for the next few years, voters will have to make a significant decision when approaching the ballot box.

Senator Murray is a Democrat and the first female U.S. senator from the state. She was first elected to office in 1992 and has served four more terms since then. She’s currently running for a sixth term. As a part of the Democratic party leadership, she is notable for her unwavering stance on critical issues like abortion and environmental policy. Should Murray get re-elected, she has promised to step up the efforts to ensure that women have the right to choose and work towards achieving an economy that’s favorable for all.

Smiley is the Republican contender looking to end Murray’s 30-year stay in office. She’s a relatively new entry to the political scene in the state and is most known for battling the Pentagon to allow her husband (who was injured in the line of duty) to continue active service. She describes herself as a “…farm girl from rural Washington.” Upon winning the election, she promises to embark on an extensive recovery & reform campaign in the education, economic, and public safety sector.

Now, voters in the state are wondering, who would make a better representative to the Senate from Washington, Democrat Patty Murray or Republican Tiffany Smiley?

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