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Local Seattle Issue

Who would best represent District 2 in the Seattle City Council, Tammy Morales or Tanya Woo? #SeattleCityCouncil 

Score for this "Woo" opinion : 8.4

"What Makes #Woo Right for #Seattle District 2" Aug 11, 2023

For those who have become somewhat jaded by the electioneering process, the upcoming election for the next councilmember of Seattle City's District 2 may seem meaningless. It's as if some people don't bother participating in the election, or they randomly select a candidate.

While it's your right to take either of these approaches, the truth is that Seattle won't progress with this mindset. If you're interested in real, substantial, and sustainable change, you must take the election on November 7, 2023, seriously. However, this decision comes with a significant responsibility: choosing the best leader to move the city forward.

This time, the decision is even more challenging as you must choose between an incumbent, Tammy Morales, and the newcomer, Tanya Woo.

You can make this decision easier by considering several factors. The most important one, according to the U.S. Census, is that Seattle City Council District is the most racially diverse district in the city. This diversity extends beyond race and includes employment, income, and housing.

When passing the leadership mantle, shouldn't you prefer someone who can bridge these differences seamlessly? Tanya Woo, who grew up in Beacon Hill, lives in Rainier Valley, and works in Chinatown International District, arguably represents the various facets of Seattle better than anyone else.

Some people wait to assume a leadership position before taking action to positively influence their community, while others make a positive impact even without an official role. Woo has been a constant presence in her community for years, leading volunteer efforts in the Chinatown International District Community Watch, providing assistance to hundreds of homeless individuals, and distributing fentanyl testing strips and Narcan, the overdose prevention drug. She embodies selflessness.

It's important to consider her future plans too. Unlike the incumbent District 2 councilmember, Woo wouldn't have opposed the proposed state law to make public drug use illegal. Instead, she would have recommended innovative treatment options to make the streets drug-free in a few years.

Mayor Bruce Harrell has promised to revisit this issue, and hopefully, by then, someone willing to prioritize people over racism will be in office.

Woo deserves commendation for her willingness to challenge the institution and stand against government actions that threaten the well-being of ordinary Americans. Her actions during the CID planned shelter extension saga saved one of the most endangered historic places in 2023.

Furthermore, she genuinely loves her constituents. Having lived their lives and borne their burdens, she empathizes with them more than most. She understands the damaging effects of rising crime and vandalism on small businesses and is determined to address these issues.

In her own words, "This is why I'm running. The cost of doing business is too high. We have broken windows, daily robberies. What we need is public safety. That is crippling our business community, our residential community. The time for ideology is over."

What more can you ask for right now? Woo has the passion and drive that the district needs for transformation. Let's give her a chance. She's the best shot we've got right now.

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