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Local Seattle Issue

Who would best represent District 5 in the #SeattleCityCouncil, Cathy Moore or ChrisTiana ObeySumner?

In the vibrant city of Seattle, local elections determine the future direction of individual districts and the city as a whole. This includes the upcoming election for District 5 (North Seattle area) for the Seattle City Council, which presents voters with a choice between Cathy Moore and ChrisTiana ObeySumner. 

Cathy Moore is a judge and lawyer who brings a wealth of experience and advocacy to her candidacy. As a longtime resident of District 5, Moore has deep roots in the community and a track record of civic engagement. Moore’s platform priorities include improving public safety with a more pragmatic policing approach that will hire better trained officers, as well as create a civilian responder program. She will leverage her experience as a judge by advocating for more Extreme Risk Protection Orders that remove guns from volatile or distressed individuals. Moore is also focused on addressing housing by increasing the supply of affordable housing citywide. 

ChrisTiana ObeySumner has been the CEO of a  social equity consulting firm that specializes in social change, intersectionality, antiracism, and disability justice.  Their campaign focuses on affordable housing with increased funding, inclusionary zoning, and increasing density of housing developments. With the homelessness crisis, ChrisTiana states they can leverage their experience as a former permanent supportive housing worker who supports getting people into stable housing without requiring them to meet certain criteria. ChisTiana wants to fund community policing models and initiatives, and has stated that the 2020 Council decision to defund the police by 50% was not a mistake. 

The question for debate is, who would best represent District 5 in the Seattle City Council, Cathy Moore or ChrisTiana ObeySumner?

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