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Local Seattle Issue

Who would best represent District 5 in the #SeattleCityCouncil, Cathy Moore or ChrisTiana ObeySumner?

Score for this "Moore" opinion : 8.4

"Cathy Moore and Securing the Future of District 5" Sep 04, 2023

The upcoming election in Seattle's District 5 presents a significant decision for residents, as they choose their next City Council representative. District 5 faces unique challenges due to its geographical distance from City Hall, making it crucial to elect a councilmember who is willing to be a vocal advocate and make a real impact.

In this context, Cathy Moore emerges as a compelling choice for the district. Her extensive experience, deep understanding of city mechanics, and commitment to addressing critical issues make her the right person to represent District 5.

Cathy Moore's background as a King County Superior Court judge, policy adviser to former Councilmember Richard Conlin, and chair of the Seattle Human Rights Commission have provided her with valuable insights into various aspects of the city. Her time in these positions has shaped her perspective on the direction Seattle should take, giving her a well-rounded understanding of the city's workings.

Moore has identified three top priorities: affordability, homelessness, and public safety. These priorities reflect the pressing concerns of District 5 and the city as a whole. She pledges to work collaboratively with City Attorney Ann Davison, Mayor Bruce Harrell, and other councilmembers who share her vision of creating a better Seattle.

One of Moore's primary concerns is public safety, given the North Precinct's longest police response time. She advocates for splitting the North Precinct to bring the police closer to the community, improving response times in emergencies. Moore also supports Mayor Harrell's efforts to increase the police force, recognizing the need for more manpower to combat rising crime and restore public confidence.

Moore acknowledges the gravity of Seattle's fentanyl addiction problem and supports Mayor Harrell's approach, including the public drug use ordinance. She is committed to finding proactive and sustainable solutions to homelessness, advocating for more tiny homes, RV lots, and 24-hour access shelters.

In addition to these priorities, Moore champions pedestrian safety, supports small businesses, and aims to reduce regressive taxes while considering the possibility of initiating a capital gains tax.

What sets Moore apart is her commitment to practical solutions over ideological debates. She prioritizes the well-being of the city's residents and aims to bring people together rather than sow division.

Cathy Moore's vision for Seattle is one that can unite the community and make meaningful progress. She is dedicated to representing the interests of District 5 residents and ensuring their voices are heard in City Hall. Moore's experience, pragmatism, and commitment to a better Seattle make her a strong choice for District 5 in the upcoming City Council election.

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