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Local Seattle Issue

Who would best represent District 7 in the Seattle City Council, Andrew Lewis or Bob Kettle? #SeattleCityCouncil 

Score for this "Lewis" opinion : 8.8

"Lewis has proven he is the best" Sep 02, 2023

In the bustling and diverse neighborhoods of Seattle's District 7, an important decision looms for residents as they consider who will best represent their interests on the City Council. Two candidates, Andrew Lewis and Bob Kettle, have thrown their hats into the ring, but when we scrutinize their records and visions for the district, it becomes clear that Andrew Lewis is the candidate who stands out as the right choice to lead District 7 forward.

Andrew Lewis has proven himself to be a dedicated and effective council member during his first term in office. He has consistently prioritized the needs of his constituents, focusing on critical issues such as housing insecurity, homelessness, public safety, and climate change. Notably, in collaboration with the Third Door Coalition, Lewis worked to pass legislation that significantly reduced the cost of permanent supportive housing, making it more accessible to those in need. This type of practical, cost-effective policy is exactly what District 7 and Seattle as a whole require.

Lewis's commitment to addressing homelessness is further demonstrated by his expansion of the JustCARE program. He brought together leaders from various sectors, including the Downtown Seattle Association and service providers, to extend the reach of this vital outreach and transitional housing initiative. The results have been impressive, with dozens of encampments resolved in areas such as Downtown, Pioneer Square, and Chinatown International District. This kind of responsive and effective outreach is what our community needs to make meaningful progress on homelessness.

In 2022, Lewis was chosen by his colleagues to serve as the president of the Seattle Metropolitan Park District, and he worked with the community to ensure clean, safe, and accessible parks. His leadership secured a significant increase in park rangers, improved maintenance of park facilities, and greater equity in park investments. Moreover, Lewis's commitment to climate resiliency is commendable. His plan to decarbonize community centers and invest in climate-resilient infrastructure shows a deep understanding of the urgent need to address climate change and protect our communities.

Lewis recognizes that public safety is paramount, and he has advocated for a comprehensive strategy that includes diversified first responders, low-barrier facilities for community members in crisis, and a civilian first response department. His dedication to Vision Zero, a goal of zero traffic fatalities or serious injuries by 2030, is crucial for creating safer streets in our city.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed immense challenges to small businesses in Seattle. Lewis stepped up by suspending the enforcement of personal guarantees in commercial leases, providing relief to business owners facing unprecedented difficulties. His actions demonstrate a commitment to supporting the backbone of our local economy.

Andrew Lewis understands the urgent need to address climate change. His efforts to mandate fossil fuel-free heating in new commercial construction and convert community centers into climate-resilient hubs are steps in the right direction.

As a city built around its maritime industry, Seattle must make strategic investments in infrastructure. Lewis's commitment to repairing critical bridges, preserving industrial lands, and strengthening freight mobility corridors shows his dedication to maintaining the city's economic foundation.

In conclusion, District 7 deserves a council member who has a proven track record of getting things done, a vision for a sustainable future, and a deep commitment to the well-being of the community. Andrew Lewis embodies these qualities and more. His achievements, dedication, and vision make him the clear choice for District 7 in the Seattle City Council. When you cast your vote, consider the future you want for your district and for Seattle as a whole, and you'll find that Andrew Lewis is the candidate who can lead us toward a brighter tomorrow.

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