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Who would have a better chance at winning the 2024 General Election against Biden, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Score for this "Haley" opinion : 7.8

"Nikki #Haley: The GOP’s Only Real Chance in 2024" Jan 15, 2024

As always, there are two ways that well-meaning Americans can handle the fast-approaching elections. The first is to take it seriously, like their lives depend on it while the second is to adopt a laissez-faire approach to things and let the chips fall where they may. However, with a 6 percent (and rising) inflation rate, a 3.61 percent unemployment rate, and nearly 12 percent of the entire population of the nation living below the poverty line, the argument can be made that now is hardly the time to go down route 2.

The incumbent president of the United States of America, Joe Biden, has done a less than sterling job of keeping the country afloat so far. That much is abundantly clear. What is also clear is that, at this time, only the Republican Party has what it takes to rescue the country from the jaws of imminent doom. That being said, the Grand Old Party is faced with a rather challenging decision; choosing who will be the party's flag bearer when election day comes.

On the one hand, there’s former president Donald Trump, a man who has distinguished himself in office once. On the other hand, we have Nikki Haley, a revolutionary visionary who has set a blazing trail that’s set the country alight for the last two decades. As is only to be expected of entities who have managed to climb to the very peak of the Republican Party structure, these two individuals are exemplary characters. But, as the saying goes, there can be only one.

So, who’s fit to take the GOP and the entire nation of America to the next stage in its evolution?

At this time, there can be no doubt that the best candidate for this job is none other than Haley.

Mr. Trump makes some very good points. But, against the backdrop of his tendencies to push things too far, and the fact that, in his first term in office, he didn’t do nearly as much as he promised, he just falls out of the running.

However, with Nikki Haley, what we see is an individual who has every bit as much conviction as Trump but who also possesses the tact, guile, and gumption to get things done with an economy of fuss. We can’t afford to vote for another smooth-talking underachiever.

Haley’s decorated history is a testament to the fact that she has what it takes to get the job done and then some. Okay, for most people, this person most likely came into the spotlight after she emerged as only the first-ever female governor of South Carolina. However, simply digging into her past will show you irrefutable evidence that, even before this time, this woman has been presenting the case of the people in the places where it can make a difference.

Again, for some people, the assumption might be made that all she has is experience leading one of the smallest states in the entire country. On some level, this is a fair and sound argument. So, why not take a look at how she performed when she served as former President Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations?

Even as a first-time operator on the U.N. stage with little next to no experience, Nikki Haley was able to perform several astounding feats that even her more seasoned counterparts would have struggled with. As a matter of fact, her track record in this particular position is peppered with many truly noteworthy accomplishments.

One of the biggest of these is the fact that she was central to getting China and Russia to agree to issue sanctions on North Korea. She carefully masterminded and orchestrated this maneuver in such a way that had even her antagonists commending her efforts. One of the most vocal voices hailing this feat was none other than Richard Gowan. As a senior fellow at the United Nations University, Gowan was perfectly positioned to see a lot that the public couldn’t. As such, when he uttered words like, “Haley may have been tough on the UN in public, but she has actually been a fairly pragmatic ambassador, willing to do deals on issues like sanctions against DPRK with China and Russia,” they carried great weight.

Is that a past laurel?

Sure, it is.

But, just think what wealth of productive insight and expertise such a person could bring to the Russia-Ukraine war. Imagine the level of impact that someone like Haley would have on the Israel-Gaza conflict as president.

She just might be the voice we need to quench the flames of war. All the other available options don’t instill anywhere close to the level of confidence that this woman does when it comes to decisive conflict resolution.

Another attractive attribute that Nikki Haley displayed whilst serving as ambassador is consistency. Take her position on Russia for example. Not once did she sugarcoat things or beat around the bush as far as dealing with Russia was concerned. Where others were willing to shift ground (and did), Haley made it clear that, “We don’t trust Russia, we don’t trust Putin, we never will.”

You read the news, too.

How many politicians in a position to really do anything about things have had the gumption to stand by their words?

The simple answer to that is, “Not many.”

Nikki Haley just makes sense on so many levels. Beyond simply being the GOP’s best possible chance of toppling Sleepy Joe, she’s undoubtedly the best person to put together the broken pieces of this once-great nation.

So, it’s Haley, not just for the primaries but all the way to the very end!

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