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California State Issue

Who would make a better #Governor for California, Incumbent Democrat Gavin Newsom or Republican Brian Dahle?

Score for this "Newsom" opinion : 8.8

"Why Gavin Newsom Deserves Another Term as Governor" Oct 21, 2022

Following the edicts of the constitution, Californians once again have to choose who’ll serve as the governor of the state for the next four years. The unique “top-two” selection process that the state employs played out its first phase on June 7, 2022. Now, with just Incumbent Governor Gavin Newsom and one other candidate in the running, the decision on who should lead the state for the next term is even easier to make. As it stands, Governor Gavin Newsom remains the best person for the job!

As the old saying goes, when duty calls, experience counts. Gavin Newsom isn’t by any means a new face to Californians. He has served in various capacities and has been truly outstanding every time he was put to the test. What’s even more remarkable is the fact that, in the nearly thirty years since he’s been active on the political landscape, he hasn’t sullied his hands or been swayed by the allure of power. Newsom has stayed true to his initial mission to serve the people and make their lives better. He’s not one to lie down and be quiet in the face of inequality and oppression. He showed this visibly when he became the mayor of San Francisco in 2004.

Unlike those who have big progressive ideals but remain ever reluctant to back talk up with action, Newsom stood behind the LGBTQ+ community during his time as mayor. Even when the threats of public disapproval must’ve been overwhelming, he didn’t betray the cause, stood his ground, and continued to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Newsom didn’t abandon these ideals when he put in a bid and ultimately won the governorship seat in 2018.

Only a few months into his tenure, he was already making a profound difference. One of the most notable things that he did was to impose a moratorium on the death penalty in the state, saving numerous lives in the process. He has taken his much-needed liberal views to several other critical areas as well.

One such area is the homelessness crisis plaguing the state. California has always had a homelessness problem. However, just as Newsom was planning to tackle and eliminate this problem, the pandemic hit in 2020. Undeterred, the 40th governor of the state went to work and initiated Project Roomkey. This scheme was able to take nearly 9, 000 individuals off the streets in the first round alone. He followed up that groundbreaking initiative with the Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Court system in August 2022. The Care Court is expected to reach another 12, 000 individuals who’re dealing with homelessness and mental health challenges.

Yet another area that this individual has had a profound impact is the fight against climate change. In a remarkably short time, he has managed to successfully push several laws promoting environmental preservation through the California Legislature. These policies have taken a firmer stance on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They also simultaneously encouraged the use of renewable energy in the state.

Until Newsom stepped in personally, lawmakers had tried and failed repeatedly to hold back the powerful oil industry. However, upon his intervention, several great victories have been achieved, most notably the implementation of a ban on new oil wells that might threaten the health of residents in the area.

He has also taken on the NRA head-on on n numerous occasions and has been able to pass several laws to enhance gun safety in the state. And, in the face of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Newsom has taken decisive steps to further enhance reproductive rights in California, ensuring that the state remains a safe haven where women can exercise their rights in its entirety.

So one has to ask; what more can you expect from a governor that Newsom hasn’t done?

Where the situation allows it, he has been proactive and stemmed several issues in their tracks. In instances where the worst couldn’t be averted, he’s been a calming voice and has ensured that the state braves the toughest storms with minimal damage.

His particular brand of leadership is what California needs more than anything else right now.

So, let’s give Governor Gavin Newsom another term in office.

Let’s keep California State strong!

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