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Florida State Issue

Who would make a better #Governor for Florida, Incumbent Republican Ron DeSantis or Democrat Charlie Crist?

On November 8, 2022, the governor of the State of Florida will be decided. The election is likely to be the most significant one the state has seen in a while due to the numerous critical issues the region has to take on in the coming years. The ideology of whoever gets the people’s seal of approval will be critical to determining the stance of the state on these matters.

On one hand, Republican incumbent governor, Ron DeSantis is seeking reelection, fully hoping to get the endorsement of the people to lead Florida for another 4 years. The former congressman and Navy JAG officer fought a hard-worn battle to become governor in 2018, beating Andrew Gallum with just over 32,000 votes. 

His direct challenger is Democratic Representative Charlie Crist, another one-time governor himself. Sometimes referred to as the party-switching former governor, following his decision to leave the GOP for the Democratic Party in 2012, Crist makes a strong case for why Floridians should give him another chance at the helm of affairs. Getting 60% of the votes in the primaries, he promises to revitalize the state’s education system and prioritize funding housing programs, among other things.

Like 35 other states, the deadline for deciding on the #future of Florida draws ever closer. So the question is, who would make a better Governor for Florida, Incumbent Republican Ron DeSantis or Democrat Charlie Crist?

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