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Florida State Issue

Who would make a better #Governor for Florida, Incumbent Republican Ron DeSantis or Democrat Charlie Crist?

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"Charlie to Save Florida" Oct 25, 2022

The next governor election in Florida will have far-reaching consequences on the future, both on the nation in general and the state in particular. Citizens must make a well-informed and thoroughly researched decision. Only a headstrong yet flexible leader with people’s interest at heart is deserving of this cumbersome responsibility.

Charlie Crist received 60% votes in the primaries. It showed the inclination of people towards his vision, and rightly so. Crist is ready to take stand for everything that truly matters. He is very vocal about reproductive rights and has promised access to safe abortion to the people of the state as soon as he holds office. Crist strongly believes in democracy. There can be no true democracy without people voting. Unfortunately, the Republican government didn’t have voter rights anywhere on their list. So many people are struggling with being able to vote. Christ is ready to take care of all the obstacles so that a true democracy prevails.

The failed policies of previous governments have left Floridians without basic necessities, like access to pollution-free water. Crist has asked for a crack-down on all the related causes and has come up with a thorough plan to tackle this issue. His commitment to this singular issue shows that no problem can remain unsolved if it is a priority of the government. 

He wants to reform the state. He is envisioning a Florida where justice is served without any discrimination, where people have access to affordable housing, healthcare and quality education, and where people feel safe in their homes and outside. He will also work to legalize marijuana, which is already legal in 20 states. 

A prospering Florida is Crist’s dream. Being a man of action, he has laid down a comprehensive footprint of his plans. No one has better plans for the state of Florida. He is the leader that the state of Florida needs. Citizens must put his trust in him and choose him as the next governor of the state.

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