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Who would make a better #mayor for Los Angeles, Karen Bass or Rick Caruso?

On November 8, 2022, Los Angeles will be choosing its next mayor. This is a defining decision in any city, but it is even more important in LA due to its mayor and city council system. Following an ultimately inconclusive election earlier held in June 2022, Karen Bass and Rick Caruso will be looking to finally settle things in the coming general election.

U.S. Representative Karen Bass has been very active in the political scene for nearly 2 decades. However, the six-term congresswoman entered the national spotlight when she made incumbent President Joe Biden’s list as a potential VP candidate. But while Biden might’ve ultimately gone with Kamala Harris as his running mate, he still regards the congresswoman highly, officially endorsing her mayoral bid. The POTUS isn’t the only one who thinks Bass is right for the job either. Other high-profile Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and even VP Kamala have voiced their support for the mayoral candidate. Should she come out on top in the 2022 general elections, Bass has promised to take an all-inclusive approach to meeting the city’s current challenges. This includes maintaining the LAPD force and revitalizing the city’s foster care system.

The second top-vote getter in the June 2022 elections, Caruso is a billionaire who’s served as a commissioner for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the President of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners. He joined the mayoral race just one day before the filing deadline but quickly proved to be a tough challenger. His message of empowering the criminal justice system to better protect the people has found a growing audience. Upon being voted into office, the mayoral candidate promises to leverage his considerable experience in commerce to actively combat the escalating problem of homelessness in the city and work toward providing more opportunities.

With the general elections only a few weeks away, more people are wondering, who would make a better mayor for Los Angeles, Karen Bass or Rick Caruso?

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