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Alabama State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Alabama, Democrat Will Boyd or Republican Katie Britt?

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"Katie Britt Can Keep Alabama Strong" Oct 20, 2022

The legacy of an outstanding individual will be coming to an end soon. As Incumbent Senator Richard Shelby has chosen not to run for office again, most Alabamians would be wondering if there’s anyone else out there who can fill the big shoes the man will be leaving behind. It’ll certainly be a tall order, but I’ve got good reason to believe that, come November 8, 2022, Katie Britt would make the best pick to replace the outgoing senator in the U.S. Senate.

Several things work in the favor of Britt to make her more than right for this role.

To start with, she’s been at the sitting senator’s side as far back as 2004 when she served as Shelby’s press secretary. She was the incumbent senator’s deputy campaign manager in 2015 before being chosen as Senator Shelby’s chief of staff in 2016. Britt has also worked with him closely over the years. Because of this, there can be no doubt that she understands how things are supposed to be intimately. She knows what the stakes are and has seen, through the senator, what she needs to do to be the most vocal voice for Alabama in the U.S. Senate.

One thing I particularly appreciate about this candidate is the fact that she actually has a life outside politics too. She has a law degree and has worked with several prominent law firms like Johnston Barton Proctor & Rose LLP and Butler Snow LLP. She also serves as a member of the board of directors of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and only recently stepped down as the President of the Business Council of Alabama. All of this attests to the fact that she’s a well-grounded person who can serve in various capacities effectively and efficiently.

Finally, let’s also consider the fact that, right now, Britt is saying what we’ve all been thinking; America needs to change course and fast.

If left unchecked, the situation of national debt could lead the nation to ruin. Between misplacing their priorities and shying away from making the tough choices, we’ve been left in a very difficult situation. But as someone who gained a reputation in the business council for cutting waste and rightsizing the organization, Britt has the skill set to fix this problem. She won’t just give it a quick patch either. She’ll make sure she eliminates this issue at the foundational level and get the country right back on track.

Britt is also planning to do something about the increasing lack of respect that the second amendment has been receiving, especially under the current administration. She stands with the Founding Fathers and is set to repel the government and any tyrannical policies they might set to take away our God-given rights. As any true Alabamian would, she wants to always make sure that we have the tools to protect ourselves, loved ones, communities, and prized possessions.

Although the ruling of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade was able to stand, the life of the unborn is still under major threat nationwide. Britt is a Christian and a mother and, just like us, she wants to protect the sanctity of life from womb to tomb. She also wants to make quality education more available and create profitable jobs.

These are the things that need attention today and as U.S. Senator, Britt will attend to them exhaustively, just like Senator Shelby did.

So, let’s vote Britt and keep Alabama great!

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