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Arizona State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly or Republican Blake Masters?

The senate race will be a hard-fought one in Arizona, as voters will be making a final decision on who’ll serve as member representing the state in the U.S. Senate on November 8, 2022. Although the race has three (3) contenders, the majority of Arizonans are projected to vote in favor of either Incumbent Senator Mark Kelly of the Democratic Party, or Blake Masters of the Republican Party.

Mark Kelly is a former U.S. Navy captain, NASA astronaut, and businessman. Kelly won the special election triggered by the death of Senator John McCain, to become a U.S. Senator in December, 2020. He ran unopposed in the Democratic primary election and became the party’s official nominee for senator in the general elections on August 2, 2022. If re-elected into office, Kelly places a priority on operating independently of party agenda. As senator, his primary mission is revitalizing Arizona’s economy, improving infrastructure and health care, prioritizing accountability and transparency in Washington, and promoting Arizona’s values.

Masters is most famous for co-writing the international bestselling book Zero to One: Notes on Startups with billionaire Peter Thiel. The venture capitalist competed in a tight Republican primary but eventually won, and was declared the party’s official nominee for member of the U.S. Senate election on August 2, 2022. If elected into office, Masters plans to put an end to illegal immigration and will work to secure the border. He has also expressed concerns about the rising crime wave and pledges to tackle it head-on. Finally, he believes in having a strong and smart national defense, and intends to initiate major reforms to what he considers the Military Industrial Complex.

Voters in Arizona are now asking, who would make a better representative to the Senate from Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly or Republican Blake Masters?

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