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Arkansas State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Arkansas, Democrat Natalie James or Republican John Boozman?

The voters in Arkansas will be heading to the ballot box on November 8, 2022, with their work cut out for them. One of the biggest decisions they’ll have to make is choosing who’ll be filling the Senate seat for the next term. Apart from the Incumbent Senator, John Boozman (Republican) running for re-election, five other candidates will also be featured on the ballot as well. Of these candidates, Democrat Natalie James is the leading challenger.

Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Natalie James is a former realtor and principal consultant who entered politics because she believed that healthcare, the rights of LGBTQs in Arkansas, and several other issues, could be better. She ran against two other candidates in the Democratic Party’s primary election, and won on May 24, 2022. If elected as the next representative of AK in the U.S. Senate, James plans to, “…expand access to affordable health care, advocate for a living wage, end big money in politics, move our nation forward on the climate crisis, invest in our public education system, and restore hope and trust in our government.”

John Boozman is a former optometrist who became the U.S. Senator of the state in 2010. He defeated the incumbent senator, Blanche Lincoln, to become the first Republican to be elected to the office in more than a hundred years. He’s currently assigned to five (5) committees and twelve (12) sub-committees in the senate. He won the Republican Party’s primary election on May 24, 2022, gathering more than 58% of the votes. Should he win his re-election bid, Boozman plans to continue to prioritize job creation and boosting the economy, providing support for U.S. veterans, and enhancing national security.

Faced with the choice of these two candidates, voters keep wondering, who would make a better representative to the Senate from Arkansas, Democrat Natalie James or Republican John Boozman?

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