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Arkansas State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Arkansas, Democrat Natalie James or Republican John Boozman?

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Changing Arkansas for the Better with James

" Oct 12, 2022

The people of Arkansas will have a chance to determine who’ll be the representative of the state in the U.S. Senate with the election to be held on November 8, 2022. With six names on the ballot, some Arkansan voters might not immediately know which way to swing. However, considering everything that all the candidates for the state’s senatorial seat are offering, the best fit for the position is undoubtedly Natalie James.

The state of health care in Arkansas is dire, to put it mildly. Nearly 250,000 Americans in the state have to forgo treatment in one capacity or the other due to either the cost-prohibitive nature of health care services or a complete lack of access to the social infrastructure in the first place. Things slowly declined to the appalling situation that we find ourselves in all under the watchful gaze of the good Senator John Boozman. However, if Arkansans don’t make the right choice on general election day, there’s a sure guarantee that the situation will get worse. A report published by the Arkansas Hospital Association reveals that more than half the health care facilities in the state are operating at a loss and it’s only a matter of time before they finally close down! What would be the fate of Arkansans then? James doesn’t want things to even get to that point. That’s why, as senator, she’ll facilitate the improvement of the Affordable Care Act, make Big Pharma more accountable, and support the rights of women to choose. She knows that if the health care system in the state crumbles, it’s only a matter of time before the state itself follows suit and she’s calling on every voter in Arkansas to help her make sure that doesn’t happen.

Also, the incumbent senator has gone on record to state that climate change is indeed an issue. However, he has been very coy when it comes to detailing how he plans to work to avert this existential threat. While there are certainly areas where the senator is allowed to employ political gimmicks and stall, the steady increase in the magnitude and frequency of floods in Arkansas shows distinctly that climate change is not one of those areas. As a mother of two who wants to ensure that her children have the opportunity to grow up on a livable planet, James isn’t pulling any punches when it comes to dealing with climate change. As senator, she plans to, “Support President Biden in his efforts to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and continue our committed effort to combat climate change, prioritize efforts to roll back Scott Pruitt & the Trump Administrations' war on the Clean Power Plan and Environmental Justice.” She also intends to, “Hold Corporate America accountable for its role in assuring our goal of net-zero emission by 2050 and advocate for black and brown communities in the development of a clean energy economy.” James isn’t afraid to take the bull by the horns and set Arkansas and the entire country on the path to environmental sustainability.

James also points out that, as the nation’s leading producer of rice and cotton, more has to be done to preserve the agricultural sector of Arkansas. She sees quite distinctly that the representation that the state is receiving in Washington D.C. right now isn’t doing all that it can to protect hardworking Arkansan farmers. To remedy this, James has pledged to not only fight trade policies that act to the detriment of the state’s local farmers but also initiate the implementation of policies that lead to the optimal utilization of Arkansas’ agricultural resources. In addition to this, she wants to expand market access in the state and give the farmers in Arkansas the guidance necessary to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Beyond these issues, James wants to see to the improvement of education, the economy, and public infrastructure in the state. She’s also a vocal advocate of criminal justice reform as she believes that the incarceration rate in the country is far higher than it should be.

The onus is now left on the good people of Arkansas to join hands and help James secure the platform she needs to implement these much-needed changes.

For voters who want to see a truly worthwhile Arkansas in this generation, Natalie James is arguably the best candidate to endorse on November 8, 2022.

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