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Connecticut State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from CT, Democrat Richard Blumenthal or Republican Leora Levy?

Voters in Connecticut will have a chance to choose their representative to the U.S. Senate through the ballot during the general election that will be held on November 8, 2022. The race is between Democrat Richard Blumenthal and Republican Leora Levy who emerged winners during the party primaries that were conducted on June 7, 2022.

Incumbent Senator Richard Blumenthal born in 1946 in Brooklyn, New York, first came to office as Connecticut’s Senator in 2010. He is known for his fearless approach to issues that affect the people of Connecticut. As a Senator, he is proud of his work taking on the pharmaceutical firms, championing laws capping the amount senior citizens should pay for drug prescriptions, and requiring drug companies to negotiate with Medicare concerning lower prescription costs. He has also challenged the big oil companies to end the money they get in tax giveaways and windfalls. As a champion for women, Sen. Blumenthal introduced the Women's Health Protection Act. He promises to lead the war against a countrywide abortion ban. Being the Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Blumenthal is spearheading the push to equip parents with the tools to guard their kids on the internet and stop Big Tech from feeding children harmful content.  Senator Blumenthal is counting on his achievements as the current Senator to earn him favor among voters so he can continue serving them.    

His opponent, Republican Leora Levy, is determined to unseat Sen. Blumenthal.  Leora, who was born in Havana, Cuba, boasts of holding various public offices including serving as the Republican National Committeewoman for the State of Connecticut in 2016. She has also served as the US Ambassador to Chile, a position she was nominated for in 2019 by President Donald Trump.  She pledges to lead any initiative aimed at strengthening American security, and will lead initiatives meant to enhance and promote trade between the U.S. and Israel. Leora says that she is running to beat Blumenthal in Connecticut since he backs similar socialist policies that she and her family fled from around 50 years ago. She blames Biden's administration for always bending over backward to appease progressives rather than taking actions that work for American citizens.

The question for debate is, who between Democrat Richard Blumenthal and Republican Leora Levy would best represent Connecticut to the U.S. Senate?

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