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Connecticut State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from CT, Democrat Richard Blumenthal or Republican Leora Levy?

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"Levy would best represent CT in the Senate" Oct 20, 2022

Connecticut voters have an opportunity to change the course of how things are done in their state, and America, by voting for Leora Levy. Senator Dick Blumenthal has been among those who have been rubberstamping Biden's policies that are out of touch and that have caused disaster both home and abroad. It is never too late. Here is an opportunity to be salvaged from the high energy prices, record inflation, rise in crime, invasion of the U.S. border, and others.

Leora understands what it means when a country is conquered by Communists. She arrived in America as a kid after running away from Castro's Communist rule in Cuba. Therefore, she knows firsthand what living the American dream is like.  Despite all the life challenges, Leora, through determination, acquired a quality education and succeeded in her career. In 2019, she was nominated by Trump's administration as the ambassador to Chile. She believes that what made these possible was the freedom and opportunity in the U.S. – the freedom which is now facing a threat. She is running for office to get the opportunity to safeguard freedom.

Leora is known for calling out matters as they should. I believe she will be a great voice for Connecticut residents in the Senate. She believes that there is a need to shut down U.S. borders to ensure security and safety in the nation, especially at this time when the borders are facing threats.

In her quest to represent Connecticut in the Senate, Leora pledges to lead any program aimed at strengthening American security and its ties with its ally and friend, Israel. She promises to be a leading voice for a strong alliance that will bring together Israel and the United States. It is very disgraceful that Senator Blumenthal backs Obama's deal with Iran that offered Iran $150 billion. The money went into financing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), HAMAS, and Hezbollah. The Biden Administration also recently gave out $29 billion to Iran in the name of a "goodwill" gesture. The Biden Administration had an agreement to guarantee Russian access to Iranian oil exports despite the sanctions it had imposed on Russian oil. Senator Blumenthal seems not to be seeing the threats of the new "Deal" on which President Biden is operating. The U.S. Senate has a crucial role to play in these agreements, and the President should not bind the U.S. without the approval of the Senate. Leora pledges that if elected, she will be in the lead in preventing a nuclear Iran as well as putting a stop to its terror engagements.

Recently, the Senator of Connecticut and other party members passed the Inflation Reduction Act worth $740 billion that experts warn might not achieve its objective, which is to cut inflation as promised by President Joe Biden and Blumenthal. This seems to be another tactic to tax middle-class American households up to $10.6 billion. What the American economy requires now is to turn the economic disaster upside down.  Reelecting Blumenthal will mean recycling Biden's out-of-touch policies for another six years. What Connecticut deserves now is a Senator who will stand up for their freedom, for what they believe; improve their lives by guaranteeing them real change in Washington, D.C. This is the only way they will be able to rescue themselves from where Blumenthal has led them. Looking around there is no other candidate who stands to eliminate the status quo but Leora.

Voters in Connecticut are presented with a choice to decide the fate of their state and nation. On one side, there is skyrocketing inflation, indoctrination of children, border invasions, broken supply chains, and skyrocketing inflation. All these are under the watch of current Senator Blumenthal. On the other side, there is a candidate who always thinks about Connecticut, a principled human defender, and an antidote for career politicians—that is the exact definition of Leora.

On the fentanyl issue, Leora believes the menace can be solved by enforcing both criminal laws and immigration laws. Connecticut needs leaders who are ready to work to address fentanyl deaths in the whole nation.  There is a need to take a holistic approach as opposed to what long-term leaders such as Blumenthal have taken to keep the borders open or to fail to empower the justice department and law enforcement. This will only fuel the influx of fentanyl in Connecticut and around the nation. Connecticut must do better this time by voting for Leora, who I am certain will bring the much-needed transformation.

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