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Hawaii State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Hawaii, Democrat Brian Schatz or Republican Bob McDermott?

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"Bob McDermott is the right choice for Hawaii" Oct 28, 2022

Hawaii should not look anywhere during this election but reelect Bob McDermott to continue with the good work he is already doing.

McDermott, who was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, also has experience working as a nonprofit executive director and a realtor. He got to office as a senator in 2012. As a Senator, he has had the privilege to serve in several committees, including the 2021–2022 assignments in the Water, Land, and Hawaiian Affairs Committee, House Housing Committee, Finance Committee, Corrections, Military, and Veterans Committees, among others. McDermott has demonstrated a lot of dedication while serving on these committees.

McDermott is putting the cost of gasoline at the top of his list of priorities. That seems to resonate well with Americans and Hawaiians because currently, the U.S. does not have a practical, economic alternative. Therefore, there is a need to put energy security first. Energy independence means the cost of gasoline will drop, and when this happens, transportation costs will drop, leading to a drop in the prices of all goods, which is a relief for Hawaiian families.

Hawaiians need a senator who will come up with solutions to the inflation problem that has battered nearly all the sectors of the U.S. economy. People elected to the Senate should be individuals who can come up with ways to help Americans deal with the high cost of living. McDermott seems to have a clue about what to do concerning this menace. He is calling for the abolition of the fossil fuel war. It is obvious that Biden's self-proclaimed war on oil and gas has played a role in whatever is happening. That's why McDermott is pushing for America to explore all its natural resources to bounce back as a leader in energy.

Even though opponents of the Jones Act are linking it to unnecessary inflation in shipping costs and eventually the costs to Hawaii consumers, many Hawaiians are supporting it including McDermott. McDermott has been a long-time proponent of the act because of its role in safeguarding American jobs and undergirding national defense to ensure consistent, stable freight services in the ocean. This is the stand of the majority of Hawaii people.

Concerning the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, McDermott believes that states should be given the mandate to handle abortion matters on their own.

McDermott has been very concerned about the safety of his people. On July 22, he was the first elected official to demand the shutdown of the Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility, which according to him was a great threat to Hawaiians. He has been at the forefront of criticizing the congressional delegation from Hawaii for their laxity in taking action. According to McDermott Oahu, people need a water filtration system urgently.

Hawaii needs a leader who can take a stand against the policies that are killing the economy, which is backed by leaders such as Brian Schatz. This election is very urgent, if the outrageous bills being passed by Congress are anything to go by. Hawaii deserves much from its elected leaders. It needs leaders who can fight to safeguard families against crime, cut taxes, create opportunities for the communities, and bring to an end the overambitious spending that is fueling the high cost of living in Hawaii. McDermott has already shown that he is a leader who can do more than just talk by addressing the Red Hill issue before it becomes a disaster.

There is no room for extreme politicians such as Schatz in Hawaii. The future of Hawaiians and Americans as a whole is under threat due to the under-delivering and unnecessary spending by the Democrats. Hawaiians have to take on the far-left: put an end to the wasteful spending, boost the creation of better-paying jobs, incentivize businesses, stand up for constitutional rights, and protect the born and unborn. The only leader that can honor the promises given to Native Hawaiians by Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole 100 years ago is McDermott.

This election will be unique because it gives Hawaiians a chance to effect change. Hawaiians should remain united and unlock real change by electing McDermott.

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