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Idaho State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Idaho, Democrat David Roth or Republican Mike Crapo?

Idaho voters will exercise their democratic right on November 8, 2022, by electing their representative to the U.S. Senate. The two contestants for the Senate seat are Democrat David Roth and Republican Mike Crapo, who were nominated by their political parties during the party primaries on May 17, 2022.

Incumbent Republican Mike Crapo was born in 1951 in Idaho Falls. Apart from politics, Mike is a lawyer. He was first elected to office as U.S. Senator from Idaho in 1999. Initially, Mike served in the the Idaho State Senate between 1984 and 1992 and in the U.S. House of Representatives between 1993 and 1999. Mike sponsored the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017 in the 115th Congress. Following his sensible approach on various issues, he has been granted an opportunity to serve in different leadership roles. He is also remembered for opposing Obama’s health care plan as well as fighting for its repeal and replacement, among other achievements. Mike is pledging to continue fighting to keep tax reforms that he has previously advocated for. Other pledges include fighting to preserve the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, continuing efforts to cut taxes further, overseeing the simplification of the tax code, creating job opportunities, and enabling Idaho citizens to save for their retirement.

On the other hand, David Roth, who was born and raised in Idaho Falls, is hopeful that he will unseat Mike. David has been in active politics since 2006. He has served in various political roles, including as a Legislative District Vice-Chair, Precinct Captain, and his most recent one as the Chair of the Bonneville County Democrats. David's decision to run for U.S. Senate is motivated by the concerns on what the "deadlock senate" (as he calls it) can lead the country to. He believes that those in government should be solution-oriented rather than finding obstructions. He considers the "safe seat" notion an enemy of democracy. He is acknowledging the Idahoans' hard work and pledging to advocate for a situation where citizens will see a link between the work in the communities and elected officials.

Even as the two contenders share their pledges with the Idahoans, the final judgment remains with the voter.

The question for debate is, who deserves a chance to represent Idaho in the U.S. Senate, Democrat Mike Crapo or Republican David Roth?

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