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Idaho State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Idaho, Democrat David Roth or Republican Mike Crapo?

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"Mike Crapo would be best representative for ID" Oct 20, 2022

If Idahoans are looking for a transformative and strong legislator, then they should give Mike Crapo another opportunity to represent them in the U.S. Senate.

Senator Crapo is an experienced eader who has held various public offices. Between 1993 and 1999, Crapo was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and between 1984 and 1992 he was a member of the Idaho State Senate. He has had an opportunity to serve in various committees in the Senate, the most recent ones being the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, the Senate Committee on Budget, and the Committee on Finance. As a member of these communities, Senator Crapo has performed as a staunch conservative who is nonetheless ready to collaborate with Democrats to legislate. He has demonstrated the character of an aggressive leader who is keen on protecting the constitution as well as the free market and personal freedoms. Additionally, he enjoys a cordial relationship with senators from both sides of the aisle, and therefore he is a leader who can be trusted.

If the recent debate bringing together the candidates for the Idaho Senate seat is anything to go by, then Senator Crapo remains the best bet for Idaho. Crapo, who is a ranking member of the Republican Party on the Senate Finance Committee, has a notable record, especially when it comes to pointing out when things are not going right in the nation. During the debate, he was able to continue this work by calling out Biden's administration on how it has approached the issue of the economy and inflation. Fortunately, Crapo isn't a leader who only criticizes without offering a solution. On the issue of inflation, Crapo believes that a solution can be found in the Republican Party, and a Republican Senate takes charge of the agenda. The Democrats have denied bills that could have saved the situation from reaching the floor of the Senate.  

Senator Crapo is basing his campaign on various people-centered issues.  For instance, in agriculture, having grown up in Idaho and being a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Senator Crapo is aware of the challenges facing families that are involved in farming. There is a need for Congress to enact laws that safeguard the crucial sector and accelerate its growth. The agriculture sector earns billions for Idaho families, and there is a need for farmers, growers, producers, and ranchers to get support to ensure the agriculture industry remains an integral part of America's and Idaho's economy. Senator Crapo is the Chair of the Banking Committee as well as a member of the Finance Committee, two positions that put him in a better place to ensure that ranchers and farmers get access to the credit and resources they need to manage financial risk as well as promote incentives that will expand the transportation network to support agriculture. For the time he has been in the Senate, Sen. Crapo has pushed for strong Farm Bill provisions to make sure ranchers and farmers have the right safety net to tackle the inherent risks linked to agriculture. Again, he has advocated for Farm Bill provisions designed to solve Idaho farmers’ needs, such as expanded research opportunities, preservation of the U.S. sugar program, as well as programs tailored to enhance forest health.

On healthcare, Senator Crapo understands the challenges Americans and Idahoans go through in a quest to look for affordable, quality healthcare because he has experienced that as a cancer survivor. He promises to continue working with other Senators to reform the health system so that each person in Idaho can easily access quality healthcare.

On economic matters, Senator Crapo believes in fair and free trade. He pledges to continue supporting and implementing free market policies to reduce regulations, cut taxes, and create an environment that encourages sustainable growth as well as innovation.

Senator Crapo has been at the forefront of tax reforms in his entire service to Idahoans. He supports the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which will benefit Americans in both lower and middle-income tax categories. Again, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act relieves individuals and families of the tax burden and stabilizes America's economy, as well as helping America recover from the fiscal crisis. Idahoans will also have access to stronger job growth and wages. Courtesy of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, an average family of four will benefit from a $2,059 tax cut.

Idaho requires a leader who will push for stable, affordable energy sources to power their daily lives. The economy must be competitive and productive. To meet the rising need for energy, the nation must look for other energy alternatives apart from natural gas, petroleum, and oil. There is a need to produce more alternative energies such as solar, geothermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric. The first usable nuclear electricity was first generated at Idaho National Laboratory (INL).  Senator Crapo supports the lab and pledges to support it to make sure it leads in public-private partnerships and innovations in many years to come. As a senator, Crapo has worked to push for opportunities to enhance a national energy policy aimed at getting Americans out of dependence on foreign energy sources. He promises to continue supporting and pushing for more initiatives to widen and enhance the energy portfolio of the country.

Senator Crapo is also a strong legislator with an excellent record of legislation. For instance, he cosponsored a bill to permit alternatives to animal testing aimed at drug and biological product applications, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act, and others.

Senator Crapo has received endorsements from various notable leaders and organizations including the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Political Action Committee (CCAGW PAC).

Senator Crapo needs to continue serving in office, in service of Idaho, and all of America.

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