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Illinois State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Illinois, Democrat Tammy Duckworth or Republican Kathy Salvi?

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"Kathy Salvi is the best bet for Illinois " Oct 20, 2022

The Illinois people need change, and that change can only be possible with Kathy Salvi in the U.S. Senate.

Kathy is basing her campaign on seven issues including making the U.S. energy independent, bringing real economic relief to families and businesses, securing the border, protecting communities, giving parents a voice in education, and offering leadership on the world stage.

Incumbent Senator Duckworth has continued to support mediocrity, which fuels the challenges American and Illinois people are facing. For instance, Sen. Duckworth has continued to collaborate with unanimous bureaucrats as well as uncountable union heads in the education system. With Kathy in the Senate, parents will get an opportunity to take charge of the education of their children. The kind of education offered in schools is also another worry for parents, and Kathy believes that parents are capable of making the best choices for their kids. Since dictating school policies is not part of the responsibilities of the federal government, Kathy proposes that parents, who are getting more involved with local governments to safeguard their kids, should be supported. 

As opposed to Senator Duckworth, who has been voting consistently to fund Putin’s aggression, Salvi acknowledges the significance of energy independence to the security of the nation. Rather than subsidizing the war in Ukraine courtesy of Putin, Kathy is promising to push for an "all of the above energy policy." Kathy understands that there is a need to sustain gas and oil production even as new and appropriate sources are established. She pledges to work around the clock to make sure America raises its domestic energy production. Since the current energy crisis was caused by the failed policies of the Biden Administration, there is a need to change the course to witness the economic relief that many families and businesses are in desperate need of. This can only be achieved with leaders like Kathy.

Looking through the pledges of various candidates in this race, it is evident that only Kathy is demonstrating a willingness to safeguard the nation's borders. Some measures she is promising include supporting local police as well as law enforcement and offering them the resources required to curb the entry of illegal weapons, drugs, and human trafficking that are interfering greatly with families in some areas of Illinois. With her experience as a public defender, Kathy is aware of the importance of providing prosecutors with the resources they require to tackle crime, and she is unlikely to back soft prosecutors such as Duckworth. There is a need to increase funding for border patrol to curb the issue of the influx of drugs. Kathy has promised to push for and back policies that will achieve this.

The Biden Administration has been working towards tax increases and the destruction of incentives at work, not forgetting its overambitious spending that has threatened the nation's economy. For example, instead of looking for a remedy to the high inflation, the Democrat-led Congress, with the support of President Biden, passed the American Rescue worth $1.9 trillion, which was termed "the least responsible macroeconomic policy we've had in the last 40 years," by former Administration Treasury Secretary in the Clinton Administration, Larry Summers. Such uncontrolled expenditures have led to skyrocketing commodity prices. Inflation in Biden's Administration points to a direction where the average U.S. family will have to part with an additional $433 a month ($52,200 this year) as opposed to last year for an exact quantity of goods and services. Despite this kind of suffering caused to Americans, Senator Duckworth is continuing to legitimize the inefficient policies that are leading to more expenditure and less production. Kathy seems to have a solution to these current problems. For instance, she suggests that this challenge can be overcome by having "a small, limited government that controls spending, promotes growth, and does not overburden its citizens with taxes and regulations." Kathy has already demonstrated to be a leader who will only back policies that take the government out of the equation and allow small business persons to do their best – create new jobs through innovations.

Without any doubt, the service of Senator Duckworth to the nation as a retired member of the armed forces is worth noting, not forgetting her desirable record in the U.S. Senate. However, in this election, Kathy stands out as the only candidate with the experience, temperament, and dedication to face head-on the serious challenges the nation is currently facing.

Kathy has received endorsements from various notable leaders and politicians, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to Pompeo, Kathy is the kind of strong leader that the U.S. Senate needs because her guiding principle is to make sure the country's freedoms are secured and the interests of Illinois and the American people are promoted globally. "Salvi is the type of leader we need in Washington, and I am looking forward to working with her and her campaign in the weeks to come to help bring a strong victory for the people of Illinois on Election Day,” Pompeo said.

As you cast your vote on November 8, consider Kathy Salvi. Choosing Kathy will be a shift of course from the previous six years, and she will give first priority to Illinois and be a representative of the whole state without discrimination.

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