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Iowa State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Iowa, Democrat Michael Franken or Republican Chuck Grassley?

As the U.S. Senate general election, which will be held on November 8, 2022, draws near, the two major contestants, incumbent Republican Chuck Grassley and Democrat Michael Franken are selling their agendas to the voters with the hope of getting an opportunity to represent them.

Grassley was first elected to represent Iowa citizens in the U.S. Senate in 1981, making him the longest-serving senator in the history of Iowa. Senator Grassley backed the bipartisan infrastructure legislation which is aimed at delivering investments in bridges, roads, flood mitigation, rural broadband, airports, as well as dams and locks which will enable farmers to transport their farm products to the market and enhance living standards and opportunity in the entire state. Sen. Grassley also spearheaded the re-introduction of the constitutional amendment to adjust the budget and bring order to America's fiscal house. Grassley drafted three bills to back police and provide local law enforcement with the necessary tools to perform their roles. He has supported laws to help families save for college and he’s lobbying for price transparency reforms to equip students with tools for financial literacy that helps them evade college debt. These are just among some of the accomplishments that Senator Grassley is counting on for his re-election as the Iowan's representative.

On the other hand, Michael is hoping that Iowans would like a taste of new leadership. Michael secured a Navy Scholarship in 1978 which offered him an opportunity to pursue engineering at the University of Nebraska. He served as the first commanding officer of the USS WINSTON CHURCHILL. Mike believes that the uncertainties and attacks on democracy in the country can be best dealt with when people like him are elected to the U.S. Senate. Mike served in the Pentagon and the US Navy which he says has given him a chance to know the Russian aggression global challenge, as well as the propaganda and disinformation techniques employed by Vladimir Putin. Mike believes that his experience as a father to a disabled child motivates him to follow in the footsteps of Sen. Tom Harkin as an advocate of disability. Mike pledges to take care of corporate interests and put Iowa at the forefront in terms of job creation in clean and renewable energy, and affordable healthcare.

The question for debate is, between Democrat Michael Franken and Republican Chuck Grassley, who would best represent Iowa to the U.S. Senate?

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