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Iowa State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Iowa, Democrat Michael Franken or Republican Chuck Grassley?

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"IA voters should elect Grassley to the Senate " Oct 27, 2022

Iowa needs an experienced leader who understands and identifies with their challenges and who will offer solutions. Chuck Grassley has demonstrated to be such a leader and should be given another term to continue his work.

Grassley is not a newbie in politics; he has held various political seats, including being the president pro tempore of the Senate between 2019 and 2021. During the 2016 general election, he won Iowa's Senate seat after defeating Democrat Patty Judge. Previously, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives between 1975 and 1981 as well as a member of the Iowa House of Representatives between 1959 and 1974. While in the U.S. Senate, he has had the privilege to serve in various committees, the most recent ones being the Joint Committee on Taxation, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Committee on the Judiciary (ranking member), and Committee on Finance, among others. Therefore, with this kind of portfolio, Senator Grassley is not a non-starter and can take Iowa to the next level.

Senator Grassley is the only candidate pledging to continue with the war to ensure the American borders are secure and close the influx of killer fentanyl. It is in the public domain that President Biden's administration has refused to enforce the nation's immigration laws. By doing so, the administration has offered free reign to drug traffickers, potential terrorists, and human smugglers at the border. Drug cartels from Mexico smuggle deadly fentanyl into the communities. According to records, 470 people from Iowa succumbed to an overdose last year, with individuals under 25 recording 44 deaths. Under the watch of Biden, there have been over 2 million illegal immigrants into the U.S. reported which equates to the whole Iowa population. This puts an excess burden on taxpayers, and it is not fair to people who adhere to the law. It also undermines the sovereignty of the U.S. That is why the U.S. Senate needs leaders like Senator Grassley who are willing to put themselves on the line to ensure the border is safe.

Senator Grassley is a leader who is closer to his people. For instance, he holds meetings where he listens to Iowans' challenges, such as the very high cost of prescription drugs. Together with Senator Ron Wyden, Sen. Chuck Grassley authored the bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act to offer relief to American and Iowan families. He went ahead to ensure the passage of the legislation when he was the chairperson of the Finance Committee. $95 billion of taxpayers' and $72 billion of seniors' money would be saved courtesy of the law. The law would also cap out-of-pocket expenses at $3,100 and regulate yearly increases in Medicare Part D drugs by keeping them at the rate of inflation. Senator Grassley's bipartisan bill is aimed at lowering the costs without affecting life-saving treatments and cures. This is just part of an excellent legislative role Sen. Grassley should be allowed to continue with.

On the rising cost of living and inflation, Senator Grassley seems to be aware of the challenges and solutions. The greatest concern for Iowans' just like any American, is the rising cost of living and inflation. Many families are finding it hard to settle their bills and purchase food. Farmers on the other side are not able to put crops in the soil and harvest them. According to President Biden, the inflation was "transitory."  That is not the case because he is the one who oversaw an extra $2 trillion when Congress had already enacted pandemic relief worth $4 trillion in 2020. Furthermore, the cancellation of student loans and using hundreds of billions of dollars to fund Biden's social spending program will make inflation worse.  Iowa needs a leader who is aware of what should be done to keep inflation under control.

In his effort to address the gun violence menace in Iowa and America, Senator Grassley already has the EAGLES Act, which he prepared together with Parkland dads as bipartisan legislation aimed at expanding the Secret Service's National Threat Assessment Center to prevent gun violence in schools. He pledges to keep on partnering with educators, law enforcement officials, mental health experts, and parents to curb crime in Iowa schools as well as communities. His efforts also include the passage of the Safe Schools Act. Senator Grassley is against defunding police, and just like many Americans, he thinks the move exposes communities to insecurity. He proposes a remedy that will keep guns out of the wrong hands without interfering with the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

Senator Grassley serves on the Agriculture Committee besides being a lifelong family farmer. He is in the right position to come up with practical solutions to problems facing farmers because he brings to the table real-life experience as well as legislative expertise. I'm certain that on the next farm bill, his contribution will be felt. He pledges to enhance crop insurance as a way of managing risks and push for a flexible Conservation Reserve Program as well as opportunities for first-time farmers and many more. Senator Grassley has been a long-time champion of farming.

Senator Grassley has made it a routine to visit all the 99 counties of Iowa every year, and holds the record for the best attendance in the Senate.  With a leader of this nature, Iowans will have an easy time dealing with the rising cost of living because they have a defender. 

Senator Grassley has received several endorsements, including from Democrat Max Baucus. During the endorsement, Baucus said, "Iowaans benefit tremendously from Chuck's character, integrity, and work ethic." "His commitment to work across the aisle is all the more valuable in a time of too much partisanship."

Iowans should reelect Senator Grassley, not only because he has demonstrated that he is a capable legislator, but also because they have a golden chance to be represented by the most senior leader in the U.S. Senate.

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