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Kansas State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Kansas, Democrat Mark Holland or Republican Jerry Moran?

Residents of Kansas will be deciding their representative in the U.S. Senate on November 8, 2022. The Republican Party is fronting incumbent Sen. Jerry Moran, while the Democratic Party nominee is Mark Holland.

Senator Jerry Moran was born and raised in Kansas, and that’s why he believes he should get another chance to represent them in the U.S. Senate, because he identifies with the benefits of Kansas conservative values, which are God, country, family, as well as freedom. Jerry’s political journey began in 1989 when he vied for the Kansas State Senate and emerged victorious. While serving in the state, he strived to guard conservative values—guarding the Constitution, being pro-life, strengthening the economy, and giving additional resources to the agricultural sector. While serving in the U.S. Senate, Jerry is known to have opposed efforts by President Obama to shut down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and move inmates to Fort Leavenworth. According to Jerry, Biden’s agenda, including open borders, socialized medicine, and the Green New Deal, is expensive for the country. That’s why some believe he needs another term, to keep pushing back against Biden’s administration.

Opposing Moran is Democrat Mark Ronald Holland, who was born in 1969, in Kansas City, Kansas. Besides politics, Holland is a pastor and community leader, and was the mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, from 2013 to 2018. Holland believes that with the experience of a father, a pastor, and a mayor, he will put Kansas citizens over politics. According to Holland, it is important to elect leaders whose agenda is to serve the community and not their own re-election. He claims that his competitor, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran, has given priority to partisan politics instead of democracy by neglecting his duty to hold people accountable for giving misleading information about elections, Capitol riots, assault targeting law enforcers, and threatening harm to the former U.S. Vice President, among other accusations. Holland is pledging to work for the community by backing livable wages for workers, financing urban and rural hospitals, supporting public schools, and working to fundamentally transform what he calls a "toxic and dysfunctional political environment" within Washington that has sidelined many Americans.

The question for debate is, between Democrat Mark Holland and Republican Jerry Moran, who would best represent Kansas to the Senate?

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