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Louisiana State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from Louisiana, Democrat Gary Chambers or Republican John Kennedy?

The people of Louisiana have been presented with a choice to determine the next senator to represent their state. By Louisiana majority-vote system, a candidate can outrightly win in primaries if a 50% majority is established. Democrat Gary Chambers and Republican John Kennedy are the front runners in this particular election.

Kennedy, a law professor by profession, was Louisiana State Treasurer from 2000 to 2017. He started his position as a democrat in 2000, but switched parties in 2007. He has also worked as special counsel to Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer, Secretary in the Governor's Cabinet, and Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue.

Gary Chambers belongs to the Democratic Party. He has been very vocal about the issues faced by the people of Louisiana. He pointed out the poor state of healthcare, where Louisiana is ranked 46th out of the 50 states. He mentioned that without this basic necessity, there is no way citizens can progress in any other domain. He has also highlighted the downfall in education. He is an advocate of fully funded public schools and envisions an economy that supports all people of the state, irrespective of their financial and social backgrounds.

The question for the public is, who would make a better representative to the Senate from Louisiana, Democrat Gary Chambers or Republican John Kennedy?

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